Which light should I grow with.

I am having a little dilemma, I am trying to decide on whether or not to go with an HID with a cool tube or to go with a 100% LED for vegin and flowering. I understand that the LED is significantly cooler than the HID but HID tend to yield more. The reason why I am concerned about the heat is that I am using a grow tent inside of a closet and the tent fits fairly snug. Its a 36x20x63" and the closet is 36x24x120". I am worried about being able to adequately cool the tent with ducting and a centrifugal fan considering the closet door with be shut most of the time and the space is so closed off. Also good models and wattage would be nice for suggestions. I will be growing a SOG style in a aeroponics/hydroponics system. Thanks for your input.


i would say go with LED but make sure they are from a decent site with warranty and what not as some places arent reliable. It is usualy worth paying a little extra for higher quality


Well-Known Member
If you're concerned about heat LEDs are probably your best option. HIDs do produce more lumens, but LEDs are more efficient(PAR being what it is). That being said they're also a lot more expensive. If money isn't an issue go with LEDs. If you go to the LED sub forum they have a sticky that lists all the best brands and their websites. Although you may want to check amazon/ebay for comparison.
Thanks guys for the quick response. I was leaning towards an LED. Anyone else with an opinion. I am open to suggestions.


Well-Known Member
Make sure you understand when buying that the claimed wattage will be higher than what you'll actually get from the wall. Reason being the individual LEDs run at a lower power than what they are rated for, which in turn makes them last longer.

As an example, my 100 watt Blackstar UFO lights (whom I recommend you check out if using LED, not the best but good bang for your buck) have 50 individual LEDs rated for 2 watts a piece, equaling the 100 advertised watts. However, running an LED at full power will shorten it's life span significantly. So Blackstar runs them at 1.5-1.6 watts each, giving me roughly 75-80 actual watts of power. This difference becomes bigger as you get bigger lights with more LEDs, and each company tweaks their lights differently for the most part.

So if you were wanting to run a 400w HID bulb, you would realistically need closer to about 500w of advertised LED power. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
If your tent is in a closed closet, how will you exchange air? Plants need more than light to grow.
There are vents for air plus space for a Co2 bag. Im just worried don't have enough space to adequately cool the air if I go with HID.


Well-Known Member
Agree. Don't burn an HID in a closed closet. But you gotta exchange air. You can't cut corners on air exchange and have a successful grow.


Active Member
I personally use LED but keep in mind the cost of a HID + cooling is similar or less than a quality LED. I feel that HID is on its way out as LED technology advances but i don't think anyone can argue with their bang for the buck. they are not that efficient and a 400 true watt LED will destroy a 400watt HID due to efficiency but HID still wins with Value meaning you will yeild better with HID vs LED when using the same budget. unless there are specific reasons like you are growing in a tent, in a closet, and cant cut into the attic to run an exhaust fan, I would go LED. as heat builds up in the closet will be impossible to deal with when using HID and will still be a challenge with a quality LED.

please note that LED even with comparable wattage, you do not have the same amount of penetration as HID lighting so you will get better results with a SoG grow because a high number of smaller plants work better under an LED than a single 5 foot monster. You cannot grow with HID for 20 years and apply all your knowledge and experience to LEDs directly as they have difference strengths and weaknesses.