which medium to use?


OKay so i got these two options

options 1) https://www.masters.com.au/product/100648437/debco-organix-potting-mix-25l

and in case u dont want to click on the above , they contain the following

5 in1 organic plant food contains : cow manure, mushroom compost, sheep manure, fowl manure, blood and bone hoof and horn , pootash bloom booster, fish and kelp, worm casting, zeolite granules , trace elements minerals and mhumic acid
and the debco organix potting mix contains : superior compost pine bark, premium blood and bone fertilizer and organic carbon to promote microbiological activity

options 2) orchid premium perlite/vermiculite mix 75 and 25 %

also the nutrients i would be using is advanced nutrients or GHE http://generalhydroponics.com/site/index.php/products/nutrients/flora_series/


Man those are two totally and completely different ways to go. Is money an issue? You'll need a hydroponic system for option two right? I suppose it just depends on what u want. If organic is important go with option 1, if control and predictability is important then choose option 2.


Incidentally, the 2nd option is much easier to screw up. If your completely new, I suggest cutting your teeth on soil. It's much more forgiving and user friendly. Just getting through your first few grows successfully is an accomplishment.


No. Soil has nutrients already in it. Don't give it anything for a couple weeks.


Your plant food looks reasonable. Give it a little when it looks like it needs some food (its growth rate will slow a little). Don't let it starve and get wilty, but more importantly don't burn it as that is harder to fix. In other words be cautious instead of over zealous. Organics take time to be absorbed. I would probly feed it once in veg flush it when I put it in bud then feed it again at the beginning of bud and once again 4 weeks in. Flush again at 8 weeks and give it nothing but water till the leaves yellow. What light you using?


sorry i dont understand the terminology what is veg flush supposed to mean?

also what is it that i am supposed to feed it with?


also what am i supposed to "give it"

  • I would probly feed it once in veg flush it when I put it in bud then feed it again at the beginning of bud and once again 4 weeks in. Flush again at 8 weeks and give it nothing but water till the leaves yellow. What light you using?​

i did not understand any of this , can you elaborate in understandable terminology?

i wil be using a CFL and LED lights at the same time, the CFL is two lights which i have no idea how to use, i do know that with he LED light you just leave it on(and not sure from what distance from plant and how long but i do plan on finding out):

Reflector CFL Fluorescent Energy Saving Plant Lights 2700K 6400K Grow Lamp Kit


You should be at the third internode (set of fan leaves) by the end of the second week, so if its not growing at least that fast, feed it. It's ready to bud any time after the 9th internode is visible (usually around 4 weeks). Flush means pour 3 times the amount of water that the container holds so if your using a 3 gallon pot pour 9 gallons of water through it. Technically you want a high nitrogen fert for veg and a high phosphorous fert for bloom, but that plant food has everything, and organics will just kind of "work" you know.


also what am i supposed to "give it"

  • I would probly feed it once in veg flush it when I put it in bud then feed it again at the beginning of bud and once again 4 weeks in. Flush again at 8 weeks and give it nothing but water till the leaves yellow. What light you using?​

i did not understand any of this , can you elaborate in understandable terminology?

i wil be using a CFL and LED lights at the same time, the CFL is two lights which i have no idea how to use, i do know that with he LED light you just leave it on(and not sure from what distance from plant and how long but i do plan on finding out):

Reflector CFL Fluorescent Energy Saving Plant Lights 2700K 6400K Grow Lamp Kit
Sorry, I should have separated my thoughts a little better:
1) put seed in soil (2 cm deep)
2) water only for 2 weeks.
3) follow instructions on plant food package and feed plant at two weeks from planting.
4) flush the plants at 4 weeks and put it in bud.
5) give it more fertilizer after it dries out from the flush.
6) feed it again after 4 weeks of flowering.
7) flush it after 8 weeks of flower
8) give it water for two weeks or till all the fan leaves turn yellow and the buds ripen. Give it water only for at least one week.
9) let it dry out for 48 hours before you cut it.
10) read the sticky's in the drying and curing section of RIU.


thank you for the very detailed steps

also by saying "feed plant" does that mean putting that plant food content on top of the soil? i thought that the food plant was mixed prior to seed being inserted into the soil(made prior of a mixture of the 5 in 1 food plant and the organic potting mix)in some ratio and never really used again until new sow of another plant?

also when you say give it more fertilizer, do you mean the plant food? or something else?


Also cfl and led is fine. Don't know how many plants you're going for but you will need 100 true watts per plant. You can position your lights all around plants and they can be very close. 18/6 for veg and 12/12 for flower.


thank you for the very detailed steps

also by saying "feed plant" does that mean putting that plant food content on top of the soil? i thought that the food plant was mixed prior to seed being inserted into the soil(made prior of a mixture of the 5 in 1 food plant and the organic potting mix)in some ratio and never really used again until new sow of another plant?

also when you say give it more fertilizer, do you mean the plant food? or something else?
I would not premix the plant food. That will be very hot for baby plants. Yes I would put that plant food on top of the soil and yes I'm referring to that 5 in 1 plant food every time I say fertilize or feed it or give it. You can do other fertilizers if you want but that 1 is fine. The food will have instructions probably something like " give plants X amount of plant food for every cm of stem diameter " follow those instructions. If the growth slows give it a little more.


if i use the two lights simultaneously(LED and one of the CFL), how do i do that? also which of the two lights do i use?


You can use all of them together, in fact the more light the better. You just have to turn them off at the same time. Put them on the same timer or sync several timers. I would put 1 over the plant then the other around the sides. Doesn't matter which one goes where, just turn the plant to expose it to other spectrums.


just to be clear, i dont need any nutrients of any kind whatsoever?
You need something, but it doesn't have to be expensive hydro nutrients. the 5 in 1 you showed or similar products will do fine. All u really need is a little manure and worm castings for veg and some castings and bat guano maybe a little fish emulsion for flower. That 5 in 1 has all that shit in there... Literally.