Which part of Cali. to move to? please help!

Here is awesome advice: Don't rent with a pet. You don't know how long you will be there, and your next place may not take pets.
Here is awesome advice: Don't rent with a pet. You don't know how long you will be there, and your next place may not take pets.
hence why i dont really want to rent and why i would want to own. but if i cant find something that i cant pass up house wise, then i will have to rent either a room or apt (minimum short term of 6months) till i find something i am satisfied with. plus i will already be in California so the search would be less of a hassle since i am there.

but i have about 6+ months of searching ahead of me so i should be able to find a house without jumping head first into it
Hey SFV.guys Just wondering what is left of the old movie ranches in the valley.I know they have put a lot of houses on some of them.saw on popular location in a front yard the other day.Did the parks preserve them.Is the old movie flavor preserved,or is it now to citified???T.Y.
Nor cal for sure! Sacramento county is a good place for grower your age. The bay is cool too for indoor growers. Don't go to so cal unless you have a business that you can higher some illegal immigrants for 5 bucks an hour haha.
Bay Area IMHO. Here in Santa Cruz county there is no plant limit, only space limits. Best county to be an MMJ patient.

Technically that's true, according to county guidelines.

However, if the feds get involved..

More than 99 plants =5MM. 5 Year Mandatory Minimum Sentence.
We live in Ventura and LOVE IT!!! I have access to Los Angeles and The Valley without actually having to live there. There are houses in Port Hueneme and Oxnard in your price range. Your drive to the beach would be between 1 and 15 minutes. Weather is milder. This is the only area in what's still technically Southern California that I would live. If you want more rural, 2 hrs north you can get 10 acres for 50K...rolling hills with oaks!

Were can I get 10 acres for 50k I was born and raised in the 805 Santa Barbara to be exact and I'm planning on moving back and a farm in Cali is my dream
Ever hear of a Hostel? In San Francisco, there are hostels that charge $9.00/night with free internet and continental breakfast. If one is not sure of where one wants to remain, going the hostel route will save money while exploring the various cities. The downside is that a lot of tourists from Holland, Greece, Italy, etc. use hostels. I guess hostels are big in Europe.
Were can I get 10 acres for 50k I was born and raised in the 805 Santa Barbara to be exact and I'm planning on moving back and a farm in Cali is my dream

I was watching Subcools videos at his new place in California and have been thinking about the same recently. So cal born and raised, the wife and I want to go north soon. We'd like to get 5 - 10 acres and build a small castle. :) I am wondering where in Cal could I find acreage not too far from a small city or town where I can have an outdoor garden and my castle.
I was watching Subcools videos at his new place in California and have been thinking about the same recently. So cal born and raised, the wife and I want to go north soon. We'd like to get 5 - 10 acres and build a small castle. :) I am wondering where in Cal could I find acreage not too far from a small city or town where I can have an outdoor garden and my castle.

I'd kill for some land. I hate having people breathing down my neck. when i can open a window and spit on the neighbors house...I'm too close.
A couple of acres isn't too expensive in the central or northern part of the state. What I am thinking of is (hopefully) eventual recreational legalization. I want to have a canna vinyard where rich fancy schmancy pot smoking yuppies can come wine and canna taste and have brunch. At an exorbitant fee of course. :D If not that then a place I can grow for patients without being hassled.

If you watch Subcools videos you can kinda gather that he's here to cash in. Big indoor rooms, big outdoor garden. My guess is not to far from a big city with lots of places to vend. Not that I care where he lives, but he's obviously living in a place he feels it's safe to have not only an outdoor grow, but one he puts up on YouTube. I need to find a place like that.
Oregon or Washington would probably be your best bet if your hop is eventual recreational legalization.
From my informed opinion on the Bay Area + Valley... Your best bet for growing in secrecy is going to be somewhere in the immediate Bay Area... It's a densely packed urban environment where everyone has their attention on the various activities and civics associated with this particular area. Everyone has a hustle... Plenty of people grow medicine, plenty of people smoke medicine, most people are too busy to be suspicious, and some of people do worse crime. In addition, there are roughly 4-6 million people in the general area and its very liberal, except for some of the outer eastbay and pockets all around... Even then, those pockets consist of 420 friendly conservatives (this is Northern California, afterall). The real tradeoff is the cost of living.

The Valley doesn't have nearly as many people; although Modesto is a city, it's a small city where new faces can attract attention. This is the case anywhere, but especially in this sort of area where there isn't much for the police to do besides focus on drug activity. It is cheaper to live then the Bay Area but your client pool will be massively smaller and there is a gang problem; unlike in the greater Bay Area where gang activity is, for the most part, compartmentalized, its very prevalent in this particular location. In plain english, dealing entails much higher risk in the Valley.

Verdict: If you want the best experience with the best upside, pool of clients, opportunity for concealment, wonderful living environment, and general safety? Anywhere in the Bay Area that you can afford will suffice (minus the ghettos in Oakland, San Francisco, Richmond, Vallejo, East Palo Alto, etc.). Choosing the lower eastbay, lower peninsula, or the Southbay will have you in proximity (max 1 hour) to Santa Cruz, which has a great 420 & Beach culture.