Which states have the highest murder rates? Dem or GOP?

Republicans suck
What gets me is people actually believe the shit. It seems half the country has drank the kook aid. We have known and believe (well the intelligent anyways) it is based on poverty, poor education and lack of opertunity. Hopefully you all figure it out before it’s to late, you all dodged a bullet in 2020. Hopefully it happens again :(.
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I suspect the article not mentioning the black on black murder rates in those 5 states was an intentional omission so that the "Democrat good - Republican bad" theme could get some play.

If there is any such thing as the amorphous "black community" addressing the problems of black on black murder might be a good thing to examine and solve.

Although on second thought Alec Baldwin DID kill somebody with a gun and all Will Smith did was assault a guy half his size. Anger issues? Cultural patterns?

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I suspect the article not mentioning the black on black murder rates in those 5 states was an intentional omission so that the "Democrat good - Republican bad" theme could get some play.

If there is any such thing as the amorphous "black community" addressing the problems of black on black murder might be a good thing to examine and solve.

Although on second thought Alec Baldwin DID kill somebody with a gun and all Will Smith did was assault a guy half his size. Anger issues? Cultural patterns?

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You’re right, the article didn’t mention anything about the racist bullshit you did. I guess you’ll have to stick to Stormfront for the racist angle you love to vomit.
The framers decided it.
Doesn’t make them correct

It sure as hell does! But not because of “both” parties. The republican politicians lie and cheat to get into and to hold office. They straight make shit up and their retarded voters get all angry because they believe those lies.

You’re a perfect example of why it sucks, only seeing The faults in what you oppose. You act as if the Democratic Partyhas A clean bill of health and I’m sure you’d argue against any facts someone showed you to proves the dems are crooked as well.