which wattage is best at keeping nodes closest together?

are 1000w the best way to go? i have a friend that told me more 600watts are better than less 1000watts. he says he has 8 600s and 400s in between the 600s. sounds like an interesting set up and kinda makes sense to do if lower wattage indeed keeps nodes closer together. isnt keeping nodes closer together a good thing?

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Every HID bulb has a maximum distance away it can support healthy plant growth and a minimum distance before light burn begins. The difference between these two figures is the maximum size plant you should grow under that bulb in a stationary setup. The smallest wattage bulb (or probably even better, one size up from smallest) that can accommodate the tallest strain you are growing all the way through harvest will often be the most efficient one to use.

Light movers spread out the light so higher wattage bulbs can be closer to the plants the faster they are moving. Once a light mover is brought into the equation, the efficiency of higher wattage lamps goes up considerably.

Only the top of the plant needs sufficient light to keep internodal length low so most HID's will create similar node spacing as long as the tops are kept within a few inches of the bulb's light burn zone.

This is all assuming that the lamp is properly cooled so that heat is not a problem in the healthy growth zone.
wayne told me to keep growing butthead!!!hahahaha!!! @mothers finest so i have many questions and the most important pertain to og. which wattage would u or anyone recommend to og cuz im sure all know og grows tall and stringy so im thinking lower right? hoods are properly cooled but are stationary planning on changing that tho. lower wattage will stunt then yes? and of course topping will help also so i guess i just need some reassurance. im brand new to this so i need all the advice i can get. also what up with the oxy?! @MDhome grown ya im tryin to be like them. chinese did it first right?? it all came from the east so i guess in a way we all work with chinese product right?? if my historys correct.


Well-Known Member
If i compare my 150 hps, 175 mh an 100 cfl. All close to the light when germing a seed id say.................

The CFL wins, it make my node spacing so tight I could barley clone off em.
Every 1/4 in was a node an they are cheep as hell to run.

Hids are much better later on. But for making a hell of alot of nodes early cfl rule.