Which way do you plant the seeds after germination?


So I'm putting my seeds directly from soaking for 24 hours into rapid rooters. I know you are supposed to put the root facing down, but is that only if the root is a decent length out of the seed, for example if you used paper towels first?

If I'm not using paper towels, and just putting them into the rooters, some of them will probably have tiny little roots coming out but not of any length. I heard that when it's this small you are actually supposed to put it facing up instead of down, because the root goes up then down. Is this true? Do I put them with the little root up or down? Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Doesnt much matter eithet way. If u accidently plant it upside down its still gonna come up right. Roots grow down plants grow up. Might take slightly longer to pop out of the dirt but its not gonna cause any real problems.


Well-Known Member
It's best to plant them with the nub where the seed was attached to the plant facing down and the end that will crack open facing up. I've planted the other way and sometimes it won't shed it's shell after it breaks surface. I lost my last Original Amnesia fem bean because of it. After that I set out on a search for the perfect germ plan. I found an article in high times that explained what I just told you.


Well-Known Member
what i do is let the root come out about a 1/2 ince then plant just the root in soil and leave the seed resting above the soil that way the root takes off down and dosent have to expend any valuable energy to push the seed through the medium.

good luck :)


Well-Known Member
Doesnt much matter eithet way. If u accidently plant it upside down its still gonna come up right. Roots grow down plants grow up. Might take slightly longer to pop out of the dirt but its not gonna cause any real problems.
it does matter, sometimes those little seedlings dont have the energy to turn around and never end up breaking soil. if they are espensive seeds you want to rule out any possibilities of not getting a healthy seedling.


White thing into the dirt first. I've heard of the other way around but thats for people who have allot of seeds and want to rule out the weak ones who cant turn themselves around, the theory is that if it is strong enough to turn around, then the plant will be strong.
So remember, if you only have a few seeds, plant the seed in dirt root first.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
i went tap root down with all three of mine straight in soil ...all three broke soil 2 days, one got its shell stuck and has been slow and runty ..... but on the whole happy to do the same again, unless someone points me to a better way

nub end up? silusbotwin... sorry now i'm lost ...hahahaha prob not your fault... i'm a tad thick sometimes


Well-Known Member
i went tap root down with all three of mine straight in soil ...all three broke soil 2 days, one got its shell stuck and has been slow and runty ..... but on the whole happy to do the same again, unless someone points me to a better way

nub end up? silusbotwin... sorry now i'm lost ...hahahaha prob not your fault... i'm a tad thick sometimes
haha! Sorry my fault. I smoked some early samples of this Grapefruit Krush before I typed that lol. I meant nub down. When the tap root shows it will be aimed towards the nub. This is the way you want the seed. Think of it like a person bending down and touching his toes. As the seed sprouts its like a person slowly standing up and extending their arms in the air, reaching fully extended position reaching for the sky after the shell sheds except the arms would be cotyledon leaves :P

lol fixed my earlier post in case anyone reads it later.


Well-Known Member
haha! Sorry my fault. I smoked some early samples of this Grapefruit Krush before I typed that lol. I meant nub down. When the tap root shows it will be aimed towards the nub. This is the way you want the seed. Think of it like a person bending down and touching his toes. As the see sprouts its like a person slowly standing up and extending their arms in the air, reaching fully extended position reaching for the sky after the shell sheds.

lol fixed my earlier post in case anyone reads it later.
aghhhhhh not me for a change .... yeah got ya! thats what i did

creative is it?... that grapefruit kush ...lol


Well-Known Member
sweet buddy...... had a bubble pipe with a mate with a shot of scotch in it the other day (for old times sake) ... forgot how nice that is :-)