while chetty is away, his girl will die without help...(pictures)


Active Member
So here is the thing, Chettybear is away on vacation. I was put in charge, and have done one hell of a job with taking care of things. After a delightful phone call we discussed the situation, which is a light yellow dusting on leaves and leaf curlage. The plant is looking rather weak and pathetic, from new stems to new leafs.
I was told to do research,which I have been doing for the majority of last night and afternoon. And I was also told that it probably had to do with the nutrients. Chetty told me to possibly add more. I am just not sure and don't want to make things worse. So please roll-it-up professionals, help me to fix things before the vacation is over, or atleast get things moving in the right direction...
Here are some lagistics to go off of. Under a 400watt light we have a girl in the late stages of 24 veggitation, PH levels are always correct (knock on wood). Dependant on water in the bucket it uses 1.2 to 1.4 liters a-day to day and a half, or so..
In the balanced water there is, 2tsp flora micro,3tsp flora gro, and 1tsp flora bloom, that is mixed together in 2.4 liters of water. Pleanty of air movement.
So now here are my quetions, sorry for this being so long too.
~ Sould i be putting more nutrients into the mixture for how much water it is drinking?
~ Is it a bad idea to use left over formula, or is it just best to start fresh each time?
~ What exactly is the issue here, and can it be corrected?
I read that the curling of leaves can be the plants way of conserving moisture.
~ Would a friendly spritz of water to leaves help that at all, like a morning dew? Or cause more problems like light magnification and bring upon stupid nat flies?

Thank you very very much for your time.
Scincerly chetty's other, and less humorous girl.

