Whiney ass girlfriend, PLEASE HELP!


Well-Known Member
So my girlfriend has been taking suboxon for about a year and a half now. She has been taking smaller and smaller amounts, and she's down to about 1/8-1/6 of a pill, somewhere around there. I have been telling her she should just stop taking it, it gives her an upset stomach and headaches and she cries about it all the time. She refuses because she thinks the withdrawl will be bad no matter how much she's taking. I think she is down to such a low amount she should just be able to stop taking it with little or no withdrawls. I mean, hardcore junkies need like 3 pills a day, and she is taking 1/8 of one! Will someone out there agree with me so I can show her and we can be done with this suboxon nonsense.+Rep if you sound like you know what you're talking about.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Bump, c'mon dudes feel my pain, she's sooooo whiney....
I should start a relationship thread, because I have plenty of expertise.

1. Girls whine; its a fact of life; if not about this, about something else. Don't let it get you down. The more you focus on this and pull teeth the more miserable you'll be.

2. She's basically traded an illegal addiction for a legal one. "Suboxone"

I do agree that she can wean herself off this stuff, and that's basically what she has been doing, but she should consult her doctor (I don't give medical advice for legal reasons), because there's a good chance she could relapse...

If she's still taking it, it must be doing something for her right?


Well-Known Member
It's true. Up to this point the chemicals aren't even DOING anything to her, besides some very very minute negative reactions to her digestive system.
The only thing that's keeping her on it from what I can see and have experienced in being in the whole medicinal drugs scene is the mental ideal of self facilitation.

She feels she still has a problem/has had a problem, and through her own choices and actions is solving it by her own means, via the ingestion of said dose.
I suggest to you, If she is reading that you understand this and appreciate the principal behind it: You can do just as much, mentally for your problem without the
medication as if you were taking it. The difference? no residual effects of indigestion. Could be just me though, I'm high. ~ Hopefully it was helpful.


Well-Known Member
your girlfriends mis whiney(mouth).,.,mines mis winey winey(waist).,.,see wat im saying.,.,naw but shes gonna withdrawl no matter wat.,.,its gonna hurt but shell be go0d b4 she will if she keeps killing herself softly.,.,"i went thru withdrawls for sleeping meds 2wice.,.,thats the worst.,.,no sleep,it hurts and u cant even take a nap 4 like a week.,drove me literally crazy.,.,.lemme find my camra.,.,i have a pic of my cieling where i empty'd my couzins tek.22 into the cieling of the garage (i went thru withdrawls there away from fam)lol.,.,i was just geting to sleep(finaly).,.,my cell fone rang.,.,i spazzed.,.,lol


Active Member
Tell her to take Morphine 45mg.4 times a day for a couple of years and stop for a day or to.That`s when da bitch comes out.And I mean in a BAD WAY.Give Me Death any day

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
Bump, c'mon dudes feel my pain, she's sooooo whiney....
Its a fact of life that no one can stop this..get used to it

But maybe get a placebo somehow and give that to her, im sure shell never even notice..then the next day tell her it wasnt even the drug
Shell stop then


Well-Known Member
Its a fact of life that no one can stop this..get used to it

But maybe get a placebo somehow and give that to her, im sure shell never even notice..then the next day tell her it wasnt even the drug
Shell stop then
Great idea, but where do I find a placebo that is a red/orange hexagonal tablet that dissolves under the tongue, and has that same chemically citrus taste? That's a fucking tough one.


Well-Known Member
Make it seem like an accident,like an accidental long stroke and shock her with a brown eye poke.Humble her brother.


Well-Known Member
your girlfriends mis whiney(mouth).,.,mines mis winey winey(waist).,.,see wat im saying.,.,naw but shes gonna withdrawl no matter wat.,.,its gonna hurt but shell be go0d b4 she will if she keeps killing herself softly.,.,"i went thru withdrawls for sleeping meds 2wice.,.,thats the worst.,.,no sleep,it hurts and u cant even take a nap 4 like a week.,drove me literally crazy.,.,.lemme find my camra.,.,i have a pic of my cieling where i empty'd my couzins tek.22 into the cieling of the garage (i went thru withdrawls there away from fam)lol.,.,i was just geting to sleep(finaly).,.,my cell fone rang.,.,i spazzed.,.,lol
That sounds like a major stretch I want to see that pic


Well-Known Member
How many oxys was she doing before she swtched?? She's been slowly going threw minor withdrawls that's why s he's been bitchy. If she stops taking them all together withdrawls might last 3days. Small amount of time for freedom. One of my dudes was snorting 5 80s a day so I know about it.


Well-Known Member
How many oxys was she doing before she swtched?? She's been slowly going threw minor withdrawls that's why s he's been bitchy. If she stops taking them all together withdrawls might last 3days. Small amount of time for freedom. One of my dudes was snorting 5 80s a day so I know about it.
You get suboxone for heroin use, I have never heard of people getting it for oxycontin


Well-Known Member
Shit I know 4 people getting suboxone for oxy treatment. Heroin and oxys are pretty similar there bud.