Whiskey Rants with Pinworm - Try to De-Escalate Hate


Well-Known Member
Well gee golly! What a difference nine months makes!


Obamacare still remains the law of the land, no infrastructure proposal has emerged, and an ambitious August deadline for tax reform has already been pushed back!

There's obviously a reason for the growing distance between Trump and Capitol Hill Republicans. In the tough jungle warfare of Washington, pro politicians of both parties are quick to sense weakness and tend to move with ruthless speed to fill power vacuums.

Experienced legislators look at Trump's disgusting and embarrassing nine months in office and see weakness.

They see an erratic and embattled President who is dogged by infighting, firings and resignations among his top aides, sagging public approval numbers, and an ominously expanding investigation of possible ties to Russia.

With an ever more disgusting crowd backing him, I'm especially as freaked out as the next person because those same neo-nazis (and i won't call them alt-right and fall for that) because that's almost like saying religious liberty/pro-life, no, alt-reich, ok...

Nazis, racists, fascists - and they're coming to my town! The really nasty ones had to be flown in because they have so much money now. Maybe some of it came from Trump or his affiliates?

Who knows? And then the next day they wanna do it in Berkely too, specifically to promote a counter demonstration where they can get violent as hell and blame the other side for impinging on their freedom of speech. I love how the dog walkers let their pups shit all over the field where that "protest" was to be held.

They want to draw us into violent escalation. And, while, I personally don't see a problem with kicking a nazi in the fucking throat, that is exactly what they want. A violent knee jerk reaction. Just like when I was at the Seattle protest, and 99 just stuck, the crowd woudn't move, there were so many people, and BLAM -GAHAHAHA - someone threw a news paper machine threw the window of Starbucks! WOOOO!

And I love the sound of breaking glass, so I'll take the 5th amendment as far as my part in that history regards way back when, but then, i kind of new what was gonna happen and it did. The Seattle protest turned from a NON-violent march involving everybody from the tteamsters to the SEIU, to the Pilot's Union, Nurses Union, ALL marching against the WTO...all the media outlets from CNN all down had the excuse to spin the entire protest into an "Anarchist Riot". Which is the opposite of what we want.

Corporate media loves to spin anything into ANARCHY or RIOTS even if it means making organized neo-nazis who've been trying to start a race war like this clear back to Beer Hall Putsch or Manson killing people. Oh and THANKS TERRENTINO for making a Manson movie for the croud next year. Ugh.....

We have to think long term tactics here. i agree that when people show up with shields and clubs wanting to bash us DEFENSE. IS. OK. But, attacking them in return makes us the Facists. This has taken me a while to understand.

A lot of those neo-nazis are ex-cons and know exactly how to work the system in their favor when it comes to playing the victim. Some of these people are even ex soldiers ("Oathkeepers") if you could call them that, and know how to spin violence.

Basically if you brandish a weapon during this, they not only have an excuse to respond violently, but they feel it's an obligation. Then claim self defense and cry about how Trump gave his daughter away to Jews, then go on TV the next day crying because he's about to get arrested. LOL.

The most interesting thing about that VICE video was how he talked about pulling his pistol, which is another thing we gotta watch. We don't want more escalation. Even though it feels right, all it does is give them more and more free publicity for their racist agenda which will just wind up recruiting more assholes to their cause.

As much as possible we want de-escalation. We need to keep these protests non-violent or we will reap worse than what we are fighting against.

If you have an opportunity, de-escalate. Don't let the hatred destroy our movement against the tyrrany that is the Trump administration. We have to keep our heads and not let the nazis ( or maybe even undercover cops) use our emotions to destroy our message.

"Antifa is a major gift to the Right." - Chomfsky

Let's not let emotions destroy our message, and surrender the high ground. Even if kicking nazis and fascists in the throat is the right thing to do. You'll be the first to go, unless you think.

Thank you. Fuck you. Have a nice day.


Well gee golly! What a difference nine months makes!


Obamacare still remains the law of the land, no infrastructure proposal has emerged, and an ambitious August deadline for tax reform has already been pushed back!

There's obviously a reason for the growing distance between Trump and Capitol Hill Republicans. In the tough jungle warfare of Washington, pro politicians of both parties are quick to sense weakness and tend to move with ruthless speed to fill power vacuums.

Experienced legislators look at Trump's disgusting and embarrassing nine months in office and see weakness.

They see an erratic and embattled President who is dogged by infighting, firings and resignations among his top aides, sagging public approval numbers, and an ominously expanding investigation of possible ties to Russia.

With an ever more disgusting crowd backing him, I'm especially as freaked out as the next person because those same neo-nazis (and i won't call them alt-right and fall for that) because that's almost like saying religious liberty/pro-life, no, alt-reich, ok...

Nazis, racists, fascists - and they're coming to my town! The really nasty ones had to be flown in because they have so much money now. Maybe some of it came from Trump or his affiliates?

Who knows? And then the next day they wanna do it in Berkely too, specifically to promote a counter demonstration where they can get violent as hell and blame the other side for impinging on their freedom of speech. I love how the dog walkers let their pups shit all over the field where that "protest" was to be held.

They want to draw us into violent escalation. And, while, I personally don't see a problem with kicking a nazi in the fucking throat, that is exactly what they want. A violent knee jerk reaction. Just like when I was at the Seattle protest, and 99 just stuck, the crowd woudn't move, there were so many people, and BLAM -GAHAHAHA - someone threw a news paper machine threw the window of Starbucks! WOOOO!

And I love the sound of breaking glass, so I'll take the 5th amendment as far as my part in that history regards way back when, but then, i kind of new what was gonna happen and it did. The Seattle protest turned from a NON-violent march involving everybody from the tteamsters to the SEIU, to the Pilot's Union, Nurses Union, ALL marching against the WTO...all the media outlets from CNN all down had the excuse to spin the entire protest into an "Anarchist Riot". Which is the opposite of what we want.

Corporate media loves to spin anything into ANARCHY or RIOTS even if it means making organized neo-nazis who've been trying to start a race war like this clear back to Beer Hall Putsch or Manson killing people. Oh and THANKS TERRENTINO for making a Manson movie for the croud next year. Ugh.....

We have to think long term tactics here. i agree that when people show up with shields and clubs wanting to bash us DEFENSE. IS. OK. But, attacking them in return makes us the Facists. This has taken me a while to understand.

A lot of those neo-nazis are ex-cons and know exactly how to work the system in their favor when it comes to playing the victim. Some of these people are even ex soldiers ("Oathkeepers") if you could call them that, and know how to spin violence.

Basically if you brandish a weapon during this, they not only have an excuse to respond violently, but they feel it's an obligation. Then claim self defense and cry about how Trump gave his daughter away to Jews, then go on TV the next day crying because he's about to get arrested. LOL.

The most interesting thing about that VICE video was how he talked about pulling his pistol, which is another thing we gotta watch. We don't want more escalation. Even though it feels right, all it does is give them more and more free publicity for their racist agenda which will just wind up recruiting more assholes to their cause.

As much as possible we want de-escalation. We need to keep these protests non-violent or we will reap worse than what we are fighting against.

If you have an opportunity, de-escalate. Don't let the hatred destroy our movement against the tyrrany that is the Trump administration. We have to keep our heads and not let the nazis ( or maybe even undercover cops) use our emotions to destroy our message.

"Antifa is a major gift to the Right." - Chomfsky

Let's not let emotions destroy our message, and surrender the high ground. Even if kicking nazis and fascists in the throat is the right thing to do. You'll be the first to go, unless you think.

Thank you. Fuck you. Have a nice day.


hey, hey! Tarantino DID give us the best movie of all time..then the second best..sooooo there's that..

Well gee golly! What a difference nine months makes!


Obamacare still remains the law of the land, no infrastructure proposal has emerged, and an ambitious August deadline for tax reform has already been pushed back!

There's obviously a reason for the growing distance between Trump and Capitol Hill Republicans. In the tough jungle warfare of Washington, pro politicians of both parties are quick to sense weakness and tend to move with ruthless speed to fill power vacuums.

Experienced legislators look at Trump's disgusting and embarrassing nine months in office and see weakness.

They see an erratic and embattled President who is dogged by infighting, firings and resignations among his top aides, sagging public approval numbers, and an ominously expanding investigation of possible ties to Russia.

With an ever more disgusting crowd backing him, I'm especially as freaked out as the next person because those same neo-nazis (and i won't call them alt-right and fall for that) because that's almost like saying religious liberty/pro-life, no, alt-reich, ok...

Nazis, racists, fascists - and they're coming to my town! The really nasty ones had to be flown in because they have so much money now. Maybe some of it came from Trump or his affiliates?

Who knows? And then the next day they wanna do it in Berkely too, specifically to promote a counter demonstration where they can get violent as hell and blame the other side for impinging on their freedom of speech. I love how the dog walkers let their pups shit all over the field where that "protest" was to be held.

They want to draw us into violent escalation. And, while, I personally don't see a problem with kicking a nazi in the fucking throat, that is exactly what they want. A violent knee jerk reaction. Just like when I was at the Seattle protest, and 99 just stuck, the crowd woudn't move, there were so many people, and BLAM -GAHAHAHA - someone threw a news paper machine threw the window of Starbucks! WOOOO!

And I love the sound of breaking glass, so I'll take the 5th amendment as far as my part in that history regards way back when, but then, i kind of new what was gonna happen and it did. The Seattle protest turned from a NON-violent march involving everybody from the tteamsters to the SEIU, to the Pilot's Union, Nurses Union, ALL marching against the WTO...all the media outlets from CNN all down had the excuse to spin the entire protest into an "Anarchist Riot". Which is the opposite of what we want.

Corporate media loves to spin anything into ANARCHY or RIOTS even if it means making organized neo-nazis who've been trying to start a race war like this clear back to Beer Hall Putsch or Manson killing people. Oh and THANKS TERRENTINO for making a Manson movie for the croud next year. Ugh.....

We have to think long term tactics here. i agree that when people show up with shields and clubs wanting to bash us DEFENSE. IS. OK. But, attacking them in return makes us the Facists. This has taken me a while to understand.

A lot of those neo-nazis are ex-cons and know exactly how to work the system in their favor when it comes to playing the victim. Some of these people are even ex soldiers ("Oathkeepers") if you could call them that, and know how to spin violence.

Basically if you brandish a weapon during this, they not only have an excuse to respond violently, but they feel it's an obligation. Then claim self defense and cry about how Trump gave his daughter away to Jews, then go on TV the next day crying because he's about to get arrested. LOL.

The most interesting thing about that VICE video was how he talked about pulling his pistol, which is another thing we gotta watch. We don't want more escalation. Even though it feels right, all it does is give them more and more free publicity for their racist agenda which will just wind up recruiting more assholes to their cause.

As much as possible we want de-escalation. We need to keep these protests non-violent or we will reap worse than what we are fighting against.

If you have an opportunity, de-escalate. Don't let the hatred destroy our movement against the tyrrany that is the Trump administration. We have to keep our heads and not let the nazis ( or maybe even undercover cops) use our emotions to destroy our message.

"Antifa is a major gift to the Right." - Chomfsky

Let's not let emotions destroy our message, and surrender the high ground. Even if kicking nazis and fascists in the throat is the right thing to do. You'll be the first to go, unless you think.

Thank you. Fuck you. Have a nice day.


I'm just curious, why they (the Nazis) bring gear if they aren't looking for a fight?

Shall we protect them when they chant 'jews will not replace us'? *hate speech

When they run over and kill other protestors exercising THEIR right to disagree? *murder