White bugs and everythings going yellow


Flower week 4

I'm in a sealed system room with propane burner and a/c,

Room temp is approximately 85 , water 18, humidity 35 - 40

I do not know c02 concentration but I am using a UNIS Horticultural C02 Controller

sea of green on a flood and drain system 1m x 2m with 2 x 600w

air pump in 200L tank with ph of 5.7 - 6.2 and ec of 1.7 completely in the dark and changed every 10 days

Problem !

Within 5-6 days everything looks like its dying, the whole of the plant has gone yellow and i have noticed hundreds of little white bugs swimming in the water ( they look a bit like lice),i have also now noticed that between floods they are gathering in groups on the flood table in the dark area where the pots are, no light can get to the pots or root zone.
they are also capable of moving around without water.

The root zone looks in a bad way, browning roots that are dying back, they were lovely and white before.

Any pointers would be good ! or has anyone had the same problem and know what they are,

Your problem sounds a lot like mine, I just noticed the white spots on the leaves turning yellow, when they were white I had assumed they were hard water spots due to foilage feeding, but I noticed a little spider web looking thing, examined my plants to find many bugs running away, I'm not sure if that is what you described, I don't know if mine swim, but I'm determined to kill them before they kill my crop, I'm thinking about using neem oil. Hopefully this helped, maybe not. But good luck if anything.