White Flies


Well-Known Member

You can buy it in your local hydro store for about 10$. Been using it for years and well as bunch of my friend. Before anybody start spewing the chemical compound of it bad for your plants please do your research first :). 110% yout white fly problem will be dealt with., Along with any other pests you might have lingering in there :) This will also destroy all those shiny eggs they lay every where that looks like giant tricomes :-D


SuTraGrow, I appreciate the advice i'll def look into this pesticide, Lately I have been trying to back off on the chemical warfare in fear of stunting the plants. I believe the eggs not dying off has alot to do with the return of the flies. Where do you suggest placing the bomb at, without harming the plants?


New Member
Whieflies once out of control IMO are the hardest insect to rid a garden of. Sticky traps, your dust buster for hand removal, neem oil, not sprayed but used to handwipe the nits from the underside of leaves are your first defense. Hot Shots and No Pest strips are pretty much useless, along with being pretty nasty shit with an incredibly long half life(the chemicals they contain). Sutra the link you posted is now down. Whats the name of the pesticide you are referring to please? I woud like to look into it.......


New Member
I found it. Pyrethrin and Pyrethrum are both derived from 'mums', yep a flower. They do very controlling insects. Breakdown in the light in less than 24 hrs. And can be used up until the day before harvest. The Doom bombs are great for a initial treatment. The The Knockout spray is great for spot follow up treatments. The Dok gets a thumbs up from me!!!! Been using the pyes for years, just not the Doks brand....


Well-Known Member
Whieflies once out of control IMO are the hardest insect to rid a garden of. Sticky traps, your dust buster for hand removal, neem oil, not sprayed but used to handwipe the nits from the underside of leaves are your first defense. Hot Shots and No Pest strips are pretty much useless, along with being pretty nasty shit with an incredibly long half life(the chemicals they contain). Sutra the link you posted is now down. Whats the name of the pesticide you are referring to please? I woud like to look into it.......

Doctor doom bug bomb (mild pesticide/Miticide bomb)

been using it for years as well as a whole group of cannabis dispensary growers i associate with :) Its so mild there will be zero stress on the plants what so ever. i usually put it in the middle of my room lock it all up for 2-4 hours then exhaust for bout 45min before going in :). On numerous occasions i walked into the room after 3 hours with out venting due to various reasons with no ill side effects of any kind. Which shows how mild this is. But the pest problem is always 100% done. Or you can screw with all the other home DIY remedy's just to have everything come back with in a matter of days ;) (IMO). Im not a sale rep for this product of any kind but got years of experimenting with growing in college and out as a hobby :)


New Member
You will find they like some strains better than others. And some they will not even hardly fuck with right next to an infected plant. They do have their tastes. One thing I have foud you can include in you future grows, additional silica. In the mix, feeding program ect... It really helps a plant defend itself againt many different attackers. Thats our true 'first line of defense' a healthy plant. Good luck in your battle. If you do decide to move the plant out of the garden. Wait until well after lights out when things are as cool as possible. They are much less active in temps under 70 degrees, most everybody is home to get the boot!


Active Member
how do you know when you got this problem cause so far i havent seen any on mine exept theese lil clear white and black bugs crawling on my soil when i water???