White Hairs After 3 Days dDrkness? (pic)


i read that some people leave there plants in total darkness to get more resin out of them when there ready to harvest. i tried it and this happened. does anyone know what i should do. dry it or put it back under light or back to total darkness.


Active Member
If that worked for you, Great. Im personally ignorant about that technique so wont comment about that further.
but, they look almost done. A week or 2 maybe. Your pics not great but the reason I say that is the buds are a lil small and the hairs are still all white, also the leaves still look very green and healthy..... Get a cheapo 40x microscope and when the trichomes on the bud start to turn amber, youll be about there.

but defo... back under the lights.



Active Member
Im with Monkey give them another couple weeks fan leaves are still green as a bitch, also a few more pics might be better, and definitely recommend the cheapy microscope i got one at radioshack for 7 bucks


Well-Known Member
i had the same thing happen to purple mazar. 95% of hairs were brown when i took it out it was more like 75%. she pushed oout alot of white hairs. i went ahead and chopped her though. watch the trich color. that is the true sign of when a plant is mature and ready.


thanks for the info you guys. i think imma go ahead and chop her off tomorrow. i got one of those things for radio shack and the trichs are looking milky :)