white hairs + flowering


Hi, 4 weeks and a day into 12/12 cycle
and the white hairs are turning brown
can anyone tell me whats going on? it can't be done flowering yet surely?

CFL 2000 watt bulb
Slight nute burn on old leaves, but none at all on any new growths


worth mentioning im a first timerr obviously ;) worried about my girlies


Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
Like diet said, how close are you lights?
Put your hand just below the light, till it gets hot. Then lower you hand to the top of your plants, is your hand still hot? If yes, your light is too close.

If it's only a few discoloured hairs, I wouldn't worry.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
where the heck do you get a 2000w cfl bulb???? check heat like was said and keep an eye open for male flowers..

wait what


Hand feels warm at top, not hot? could this be the issue? if so i'll lift the lamps,
Thoughts otherwise? anything i should be doing?

"where the heck do you get a 2000w cfl bulb???? check heat like was said and keep an eye open for male flowers "

Came online haha, think it should be for a commercial indoor grow for farming or something, cost a serious bomb!


seeds were bought feminized, know this doesn't mean they can't be male or hermi, but i check and move any flowers that are covered by others leaves into the light, 3 times a day cycle, haven't noticed the tell tale signs of being male yet! only female flowers