White Residue - is this mildew?


Took some photos this morning. I've been seeing these faint white blotches on some of my leaves - they don't wash off and they aren't scratching off the surfaces. Is this mildew? Is this anything I should be concerned about?

I also have a picture of my biggest plant to-date with its very bottom leaves starting to yellow - is this because they're being blocked from the light by the other leaves? Is this anything I should care about?
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Active Member
I like to cut those bottomm guys off after I get my first 2 sets of leafs and are you missting your plants ? Don’t because what ever water your missting with can contain so manny things inside of it to make your Leafs white like that


You cut those off at this point? Interesting, first time I've read that, glad I asked.

I have been misting in addition to watering - I've been erring on the side of under-watering the soil (1 time a day max) and noticing things seeming dry due to the heat from my lamp... so I'll stop misting entirely and just rely on proper soil watering at this stage.

I've got a hygrometer/thermometer on the way in the mail - at that point I can get some comfort around temperature and humidity.


Active Member
What kinda soil are you using ? And what’s your ph at right now ?
I find that 6.7 in veg
Flower change it to 6.5 helps the plant intake cal-mag a lot better I find
I always lift my pots if there super light I will water them some are ready before others are you flushing your water ?


Active Member
I would even cut off the first set of leaves
This happen to me not to long ago so I chopped it off and she just started to grow way better and never developed any of that again then when she went into flower she was as normal as possible up to you , you need to learn from doing things and you will find a way for everything I learn everyday off this site so manny good growers killing it out here great people on here always willing to help



Well-Known Member
That doesnt look like powdery mildew, it moreso looks like you sprayed a nutrient solution on the leaves, that then dried and caused damage to the leaves.

You do not need to mist your plants basically ever, unless your dealing with newly cut clones, or are spraying some kind of pest prevention/compost tea. Otherwise, let the roots do the work of gathering water/nutrients.

Also, be sure your pH is between 6-7 in soil.. the white blotches are likely due to the misting, but the leaf deformations are more likely caused by improper pH (or less likely but also possible heat issues)


That doesnt look like powdery mildew, it moreso looks like you sprayed a nutrient solution on the leaves, that then dried and caused damage to the leaves.

You do not need to mist your plants basically ever, unless your dealing with newly cut clones, or are spraying some kind of pest prevention/compost tea. Otherwise, let the roots do the work of gathering water/nutrients.

Also, be sure your pH is between 6-7 in soil.. the white blotches are likely due to the misting, but the leaf deformations are more likely caused by improper pH (or less likely but also possible heat issues)
Yea I started using nutrient and had portioned them to use via spray bottle too (again, i was paranoid about overwatering so I didnt want to dump water via a watering can)... in hindsight this seems like a dumb rookie move on my part. My takeaways so far: 1) stop using spray bottle, stick to watering at the soil level, 2) start pH testing and get pH lower most likely (need to re calibrate my meter), 3) trim the bottom-most leaves.

The deformed leaves on that first plant... long story, but my first post ever on this website may potentially explain it. This guy started sprouting and I pretty much had it in the dark for 3 days longer than I should have (dumbass move #1)


What kinda soil are you using ? And what’s your ph at right now ?
I find that 6.7 in veg
Flower change it to 6.5 helps the plant intake cal-mag a lot better I find
I always lift my pots if there super light I will water them some are ready before others are you flushing your water ?
My pH is slightly above 7, but I know my meter is off. I have pH down being mailed to me and new buffer solution for the meter... won't have it until Friday unfortunately.


Well-Known Member
My pH is slightly above 7, but I know my meter is off. I have pH down being mailed to me and new buffer solution for the meter... won't have it until Friday unfortunately.
If your not sure that your pH meter is working properly, dont even bother with it, and dont bother with ph down either.

If you do have a pH issue, its minor. Trying to correct it could cause more harm than good, if u dont have a proper meter to know precisely what your doing.

Soil in and of itself is an amazing buffer, (even more so if your in organic living soil) and provided your starting out with a pH neutral water (RO or distilled or even purified), free of contaminates, it's very unlikely you'll need to worry about pH, so long as you arent adding excessive amounts of nutrients every time you water.

I personally do not own a pH meter, and although I'm sure I do occasionally have a high/low pH, I never have issues, because I use a clean water source, and only provide nutrients when the plants leaves tell me to (not when the nutrient schedule tells me to).

Growing ANYTHING (let alone marijuana) is a lifelong hobby of making mistakes, and then learning what you did wrong, and how to fix/prevent them. As long as your actively seeking out answers, taking constructive criticism, and applying it as necessary, you'll be fine. No matter what though, you'll always have a few kinks along the way, you just learn how to better handle them.


Well-Known Member
I didn't see any fungus. I agree with the guy above who said it was probably dissolved salts on the leaf.
So Nitrogen is a mobile element...so are P and K...if you remove the bottom leaves you're really doing a disservice to your plant. I wouldn't if they were mine. The plant will relocate those macro nutrients and do the abscission itself. Problem solved. Isn't nature wonderful?