white russian 3.5 weeks leaves yellowing??? help my baby


Active Member
ok so i have a 23 inch tall bushy all organic white russian clone that i luckily stumbled across. it is 24 days into flowering with some nice dank looking buds everywere on it. yesterday i noticed that from halfway on the plant and up ALL the leaves are turning a light green like a nitrogen deficiency but isnt 25 days to early for the leaves to start falling off during flowering??? and also the leaves at the bottom are still dark green. i sprayed it lastnite for a magnesium deficiency but it didnt seem to have a difference. i dont have my camera working right now but i am going to try and get a pic 2marrow. any advice would be much appreciated!!.....:cry:
my ph is fine and im using earth juice bloom and catalyst right to flower with.


Well-Known Member
It's fine. The red veins and stem are sign of decent genetics and the fans are my guess the biggest and some of the first to appear on the plant. No problem they're just done doing their job which was making more fans and growing a strong plant.Transitioning now. When you see the olders, bigger fans starting to degrade like that just take em off. She'll more than compensate for the excised fans. All the energy previously going to a dying fan is now redirected to the healthy plant. Trust me in a week you'll have bigger fans then the ones that you remove.


Well-Known Member
volcom surf - thanks for asking the same question I needed an answer to!

+rep early mornin stone. thank you for helping out. I believe I'm having the same problem. I'm actually about 50 days into veg..haha..and I think the same thing is happening to me.


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Active Member
ok that makes me feel allot better with yalls advice but its not just the fan leaves that are turning lighter its every single leaf on the plant. is that normal also halway through flowering? i thought it started at the bottom then went up but mine started in the middle then went up and then i finally lost my dark green in the lower leafs today. and thoughts??:joint:


Well-Known Member
Its the EJ dude. I switched over from FF nites to EJ and all of my flowering plants turned yellow, every leaf fell off and yeild was diminished. Since switching to pure blend pro those problems have gone away. I didnt want to believe it was the nute either but my hydro guy said for sure it was the earth juice so I took his advice and switched and my problems have gone away for the most part. I made a thread about ej causing my flowering plants to turn yellow and others were experiencing the exact thing and everyone was using EJ.


Well-Known Member
Its the EJ dude. I switched over from FF nites to EJ and all of my flowering plants turned yellow, every leaf fell off and yeild was diminished. Since switching to pure blend pro those problems have gone away. I didnt want to believe it was the nute either but my hydro guy said for sure it was the earth juice so I took his advice and switched and my problems have gone away for the most part. I made a thread about ej causing my flowering plants to turn yellow and others were experiencing the exact thing and everyone was using EJ.
I've always udes either a decent shultz of miracle gro product and never had a problem. The MG cloning powder12-11 075.jpg is the best I've ever used and Shultz gives me these results.tres' april may 15 022.jpg Will admit though that the current crop is being fed Advanced Nutes. Expensive shit. Hope its worth it.


Well-Known Member
earlymorninstonepeomp ,
what strain is that in your trees jpg ??
i have sum plants that look just like that :)
and have no clue what kind they are