White slime in my res.


Well-Known Member
I noticed today that I have a lot of white slime in my res. I suspect that it is beneficial bacteria but I am not 100% sure. I have been using sub-culture for quite sometime now but I recently stated adding carbo-load. I was thinking that the carbo load has been feeding the SC to the point of slimy build up. Is this a likely scenario or could it be something really bad? The plant still looks healthy, and I have yet to notice any negative effects.

I will take a picture later, but my lights just shut off so I had to evacuate the premises.


Well-Known Member
I get that slim when I start my flush with molases. Don't know if it is good or not but I add a little peroxide and it takes care of it. Ive noticed that if you let it go it really starts to stink.
BTW I'm new so don't listen to me LOL


Well-Known Member
I wonder if it is caused from the carbo load then. Carbo load is basically 4-5 different types of sugar. I read that carbo load was helpful and beneficial for the plants but only because it feeds the beneficial microbes. I really was not to worried about it being hermful as I am sure I would have sdeen something bad by now. With is not the first time that I have seen and is more like since I started using the carbo load.


Well-Known Member
My res is black and no light can get through. I am sure of that. I have uploaded pictures of the slime. It has all sunk to the bottom of the res and is not being pumped into the grow container. I have a 200mesh filter on the line before the pump, and if anything goes into the intake line it is stopped at the filter. I cleaned out the filter today and I did not see anything in there that look abnormal, just the regular gunk LOL. I am not seriously worried about the slime but I would like it to be identified, for self reassurance. As I said before I seen this on the last few res changes, so I do not think it is harmful, but I would like a second and third opinion. What do you guys think.




Well-Known Member
You answered your own question. It's the subculture.
Awesome TYVM. I guess the carbo load really feeds that stuff huh?. That would explain I guess why I never noticed untill I added the carbo load. I there such thing as TOO much benificial bacteria?


just some guy
just make sure that none of that slime is on your roots. If there is slime on your roots, it's likely pythium and will choke out the roots and eventually kill the plant.


Just my opinion, take it with a grain of salt.....HYDRO SUCKS! Pot doesn't grown in hydro in nature, it grows in soil. So that is my method. Well drained soil with carefully monitored PH. I would GLADLY take the Pepsi challenge with ANYONE'S MJ. Just throwing that out there.


Well-Known Member
Well that doesn't help me or this thread...

But while we are having a pissing contest, I bet hydro grows faster, and that is a fact PERIOD. Also pot doesn't grow in containers in nature either so I guess you can take that out of the equation too right... I guess that means that we shouldn't grow indoors right. Also nature does use HPS, CMH, or MH, so I guess we are all doing it that grow inside right? And for your information plant root do not like soil they like air, water, and nutrients. Roots need oxygen, food, and water for hydration, this goes for all plants. There is nothing stating that plants need soil, and that has been proven time and time again. Nature is not perfect, and if you think it is then ask someone that has been in a flood, or earthquake. So stop being a trolling dipshit Mr. Know it all, and go learn something before you type up your 8th post here on RIU, new comer.

Oh yeah can I see your gallery.


Well-Known Member
Well that doesn't help me or this thread...

But while we are having a pissing contest, I bet hydro grows faster, and that is a fact PERIOD. Also pot doesn't grow in containers in nature either so I guess you can take that out of the equation too right... I guess that means that we shouldn't grow indoors right. Also nature does use HPS, CMH, or MH, so I guess we are all doing it that grow inside right? And for your information plant root do not like soil they like air, water, and nutrients. Roots need oxygen, food, and water for hydration, this goes for all plants. There is nothing stating that plants need soil, and that has been proven time and time again. Nature is not perfect, and if you think it is then ask someone that has been in a flood, or earthquake. So stop being a trolling dipshit Mr. Know it all, and go learn something before you type up your 8th post here on RIU, new comer.

Oh yeah can I see your gallery.
Well put my friend. That gunk looks gross... Haha, I have nothing to say really. Would you say you noticed changes in growth when you added the sub-culture?
i'd post this question elsewhere but i dont see a link to a grow journal.


Well-Known Member
Well to be honest I can't tell because I have always used beneficial bacterial, although I was using hydro guard, but they stopped making it and changed the name and the shop here doesn't have it when I needed it. Instead I bought SC, so I can't really tell if it made any difference LOL. I do it just for safe purposes as it will help if you res temps ever get to high. The carbo load was just something I wanted to try, and boy did it have an effect. Not really on the plant itself but definitely the microbes.