White Slime RDWC


Active Member
Hey everybody,
Wondering if anybody has any insight or success stories on how they have dealt with white slime. I am getting this chunky white snot looking slime proliferating throughout my system (PA Hydro Fallponic - waterfall/airstones). I have ran in this systems 3 times prior with very similar conditions throughout ( same water source, nutes, water temps avg 75F, pH up/down, hydroguard) but this is the first time I've gotten slime.
The only difference between this run and prior runs is when I began this time I had light leaks (water smelled foul, turned brownish), noticed it early and did a water swap and cursory cleaning, I'm thinking this is the cause.
Question:: Do you think that a prior light leak (I covered it up with duct tape and reflective tape) would introduce the slime, therefore this run was doomed to slime since then? Should I just give up on this run already? Was gonna flip in a week or two.

I am running fairly lean only using tap water, KISS (maxibloom dry), hydroguard. I have just picked up some Physan 20 but I am at a loss as to what would be best. I would prefer not to go the tea route unless absolutely necessary. I'm conflicted also bc as I mentioned I have run in these conditions before (probably worse) with no slime. I've used the Physan 20 once, where I drained /dried the system and let it run for a few hours only for it to come back pretty strong after a few days. I didn't remove and boil the airstones and I did not allow the water level to submerge the roots (only 3-4 weeks into veg roots are just now reaching the water. So currently I have a bunch of Physan in the there circulating and later I will drain and refill with H2O2 for 2-3 water changes just to try something. Anybody have any ideas? Thanks for reading my apologies for run on sentences. Thanks again I'm getting desperate :wall:
To add I am not running a chiller, I had gotten by w/o one so far so I was just being cheap but I think I will invest for the next run. I was thinking of adding it now but then I am afraid that it would just contaminate that as well. And I'd screw myself further. Also plants are from seed not clone
Try running a sterile system...
Hey guys just wanted to update if anybody else searching for solutions for this.
I ended up. beating back the slime by running physan 20 (with more volume than a normal res fill) for a few hours/draining then filled res with just hydroguard. I also dropped some hydroguard in my clay pellets. I noticed some yellowing and wilting in lower growth, all newer upper growth didn't seem to be impacted thankfully (other than wilting/drooping some) now they have pretty much bounced back and are slowly starting to grow again. Haven't noticed much difference in the roots yet though.
Hope this helps if anybody finds this
