White specks on leaves?


Hi everybody,
I've got a plant that is in great health and has shown fast growth, yet in the past weeks these strange white specks have been showing up on the edges of the leaves. This is weird because the plant seems to be doing really well.
Hope somebody can identify this for me.IMAG0049.jpgIMAG0051.jpgThe strain is Afghani Skunk by Advanced Seeds


Active Member
The 2nd pic looks like residue/buildup. Do you spray your plants?
First pic looks a tad different. Check the underside of that leaf really good for critters, as I see what appears to be some webbing in the bottom right, but could be a stray hair.

If you can wipe it off with your fingers, it is salt buildup. Either check your feedings or water, or quit spraying. If you can't wipe it off, look for intruders very closely.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Hi everybody,
I've got a plant that is in great health and has shown fast growth, yet in the past weeks these strange white specks have been showing up on the edges of the leaves. This is weird because the plant seems to be doing really well.
Hope somebody can identify this for me.View attachment 2533145View attachment 2533146The strain is Afghani Skunk by Advanced Seeds
skunky is correct, that looks like hard water mineral deposits from watering the leafs.

if youre growing outdoors, dont worry. it's all good.

if youre growing indoors, dont spray the leafs. you can smother a plant and grow mould that way. water the dirt, keep the leafs dry.

Mr. Anomaly

Active Member
Check the undersides of those fan leaves and if you don't see webs and small moving specks (spider mites) you just have a hard water build up. Which leads me to a good point, if you have hard enough water to leave residue on your fan leaves you should really look into getting a good RO filter.