White spots on cured bud.


Active Member
hey guys
I just finished curring my when when i noticed some white spots. At first i thought it was mold but i looked around and it not like any mold i've seen online. Theres no smell change and its not fuzzy. I used my 60-100x scope and it looks like crystal clumps, but there is some whispy looking things, but nothing conclusive. i've left my bud out since i noticed it and it dried right up now. so it shouldn't get any worse, if its nothing i'll try and re-hydrate.
Anyways what do you guys think it is?
It is definitely mold. Take some small scissors and cut off all the white spots, then put all your bud in an oven and bake it for like 3-4 minutes. This will kill all the mold spores and keep the mold from spreading. Smoking mold is horrible for your lungs. The cause of this was most likely curing the bud in jars and leaving it in the jars too long, or not letting it dry enough before you jarred it.
That almost looks borderline fermented like the old thai sticks or mexi brick packs (mind you, which regularly had white mould patches) so I'd stick with mould as well.