White spots on leaves


New Member
Hey guys, my friend is growing a couple of plants and is concerned about the plants. They have tiny white dots on all of the leaves and little black dots on the back side of the leaves.
Help identifying what it is would be appreciated, 20180613_215710.jpg 20180613_215626.jpg 20180613_210005.jpg
I had similar spots on my first grow last year and it turned out to be spider mites and it sucked lol
When I finally thought I got rid of them they came back during flowering and were practically immune to the stuff I was using so I had to order something online trying to not use anything that could make the plants not safe to smoke.

I kept two different fans on them on the low setting and sprinkled the soil around them with diatomaceous earth on top of using the pesticide.
Thanks for the responses.
My friend got a magnifying glass and took a close look, I do believe it is thrips. They had elongated bodys and six legs.

He sprayed them with soapy water and let them drip for 15mins then he washed them with the hose to wash off excess soap.

After that he then put white paper under the plant and shook it. Little black bugs fell off and none were moving anymore.
I will try and update a week from now to let you guys know how if gos.