White stuff in hydrotron


okay well, here is my setup and my two plants growing. I figured out that some white stuff might be GROWING on my hydro basket or is it only dryed nutrients? thanks.



Well-Known Member
Hey im new to hydro but seem like and like you say that looks like salt buildup....also would depend on if you have been high dosing with nutes, Take it easy..


Well-Known Member
You're good, salt buildup as previous stated. I just clean it off between harvests/at the end of a cycle.


Well-Known Member
Hey, sorry didnt see the post back,, i take it you mean 3ml in you chamber ay,, how large is you res? Also having cleaned out the res it may be worth washing the nets with plants in in a 1/4 strenght solution and see if that washes it off... Take it easy.


Well-Known Member
It's unavoidable in hydro. Doesn't matter your feed level. Water with nutes is always evaporating off your hydroton. It's not a sign of anything, just carry on and wash it off between grows. That's what I do.