
Active Member
Kia Ora from New Zealand team .
Was wondering if anyone else has had experience with buds turning white at the tips . I recently up graded my LEDS for my DWC set up . Im definitely not complaining , was some of the best results ive had , taste & THC content were great , big healthy buds etc.
Ive read a little about it , some say its just bleaching , others say its tricombs growing on tricombs (or something like that ) . Thing is I would like to know weather you can purposely make this happen , I've had it twice now with the new lights and quite enjoy the strange look and taste . Any feed back is greatly appreciated !!! Cheers


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Dim or raise the lights, as @peterstoke mentioned, it's chlorosis from too much light.
Interesting , The lights never get much closer than 18inches . I am expanding & pretty much replicating the 1st tent set up so ill half the lights and see if the other lags at all . Perhaps I've been wasting $$$ on power & lights for no significant gains . Less power , less heat, less well blah blah , time to start pair testing . Thanks guys .
So just to be clear , its definitely bleaching , the mega milky bud is just like the tooth fairy eh ???
I always dim lighting, drop temps and Co2 levels as my plants ripen. But yeah you coulda went with less wattage. The light distance denotes its spread, higher it covers more area, and the wattage (dimming) will denote the brightness.

it is guaranteed bleaching, too much light, they didn't burn from heat but too much light triggered the plant to actually stop making chlorophyll in those tips.

Figure out your coverage area in sqft and watch your wattage. With quality LED 35 watts per sqft is the high #, shitty LED maybe more like 40.
Out of curiosity, what are you using for your lighting
Hi ya , I've got 2 COB LEDs in a 1200mm long x 900mm wide x 1800mm high tent. Im not big on the technical side sorry so I'm attaching a couple pics of the lights . Any tips or info , experience etc is greatly received . Thanks


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This might seem like a dumb question. Can you raise the light about the same amount as the plant is damaged? Would that be a good start? Or is that not a good guideline to use?
It looks like some of the tops that weren't as close were still bleached, I think you are probably running way too many watts per sqft. Can the light dim?
This might seem like a dumb question. Can you raise the light about the same amount as the plant is damaged? Would that be a good start? Or is that not a good guideline to use?
hi ya , it was a past grow so ill experiment with my next ones , im doubling my grow spaces , two tents the same , so ill try different light set ups and see what notable differences there seems to be . As i mentioned in a previous post , i could be wasting power & money for no real gain if i'm just in over kill with the lighting . Having said that ive turned out quite a few bloody good results . It'll be interesting
It looks like some of the tops that weren't as close were still bleached, I think you are probably running way too many watts per sqft. Can the light dim?
Yeah ya might be right , I cant dim them as such but each unit has a switch to turn 2 of the 4 lenses off , I run 2 units so effectively I could run 2,4,6,or 8 lenses. Gona have a play when I set up my 2nd tent in a week or 3 .