White widow advice

Got two white widow under 600w hps in hydroton about 4 weeks old one is looking great topped both but one the started grown leaves with no edges dosent look like weed but still growing any advice would be great it was growing slower from seed. Also whats a good time to veg ww and will they stretch much in flower. Pic 1 the good plant20180408_160718.jpg 20180408_160721.jpg


Well-Known Member
the deal with WW is vital you say the breeder

as theres 511 different strains of WW out there with many shitty copies about

of concern is DinaFems misleading advice on there white widow

Production may be lower than for other strains but this is compensated by its resin coated flowers,
offering very good strength and a mixed physical and mental medicinal effect, which is truly pleasurable.
The flowering period lasts around 60 days indoors, which is necessary for maximum resin production;
it is advisable to leave them in complete darkness for the last 5 days, to increase resin production as much as possible.

This technique also increases the concentration of essential oils and flavours,
so it is recommended if you want a very tasty final product.
Bear in mind that it can be eaSily affected by mould in humid climates and can be harvested till the 10th October,
so it is advisable to harvest it quickly. In dry climates you can sit back and enjoy its wonderful aroma.

they no longer have that misleading shit on there web site...

but other sites stilll carry it

good luck