white widow, freebees, ams seed bank. sweet god, bc bud depot


Active Member
Hello all

First off this may get a little long winded, and I don't know a lot of the lingo as far as growing goes, but it should be fun, and it is very factual. I have ad/hd, a very bad memory, and I can't spell worth a shit most of the time, so things may be a bit scrambled at times. I don't smoke a lot of pot, maybe once a month, I have a friend who comes over once in a while, smokes a joint and has a good time, my brother who has been smoking almost everyday for 30 yrs drops by and we have some good Canadian beer, they will both have a joint and most of the time I obstain. I prefer the beer to pot.

This is my second crop, the first went for a total shit. I had some seeds I got from a friend, plus the white widow and the sweet god. Things went really well for the first six weeks, I was just fucking busting. Well the plant from a friend went hermie and totally fucked up my hole crop, ( sad, sad, cry cry). I had grown yrs ago and had never seen a hermie, so I didn't know what to look for.

The sweet god had the most awesome buds I have ever seen on plants :-P:-P:-P, six weeks and the main cola was 2 1/2 inches thick and 9 inches long. Counting my money right. :sad:. Each plant had between 12 and 16 good size branches, just loaded. The white widow had about the same amount of branches but the buds were not as thick, nice buds, but still had about 4 wks to go.

Well when I got over my anger, heart break, and so on :fire::fire::fire: I harvested all my plants, hung them up to dry. The weed took about a week to dry and then I put them in mason jars to cure. I had some heart problems and had to go to the hospital:!: hopefully this are alright, but any ways they gave me some moriphine to kill the pain, nice trip:-o:-o:-o. So they could not find any thing wrong for now:-P:-P. Back to the story, the next day I rolled a joint of white widow, just for the hell of it right. Well first as I was laying on the couch after about five minutes after smoking have the joint, I was thinking why do people smoke this shit if this is all you get from it, not worth it to me. Well if any of you have smokes ww you know what was next. I spent the next three hours floating on a bed of the best marijuana leaves. I was so stoned, my arms and legs felt like the weighed about a thousand pounds, so after a while I said arms move, nothing, legs move, nothing. Fuck it I ain't doing nothing. Well the story is I had the morphine the day before and it was not even close the the white widow. I spent 3 hrs in heaven, all the pain was gone, all the worries were gone. :-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P So I phoned my brother and told him about the weed I had just smoked, he said I did not smoke enough to to give a good review on the pot. I will be down this weekend and I will see what you are talking about he said.

So he arrived at my place about 4 pm we cracked open a beer and he said I want to try the white widow. He rolled a joint and smoked, as usual I did not have any. Well in about 5 minutes I could see a change in his face and looks. He said this is good stuff. :-P:-P:-P well he had a few more hits and that was it. He was stoned. I had the all the pot in jars which had been curing for about 2 wks. As time passed he kept starring at the jar of ww. That is good stuff he kept saying, and then he starred at the jar of ww again. After about 15 minutes I asked him what he thought, he said that is the best shit he ever smoked. Every few seconds his eyes wandered back to the jar of ww. This continued for the next 3 hrs. He would just stare at the jar of ww and smile. He said he wanted to phone a friend of his who had just spend 300$ on some weed and said it was really good stuff. The conversation went something like this. Hi Ben how are you. good, you know the stuff you have, (I am guessing) Ben said yes. Well it won't do. ( Ben, it is good stuff) my brother,said no no no no it won't do, at this point neither one of us could control our laughter. I was just busting. No, no, no, I am sorry the stuff you have is just not there. My brother said this is the best stuff I have had in 20 yrs. (Ben) can I have some, (brother, I will be home sunday I will call you. end of phone call.

My brother started laughing, Ben is going to be just shitting until I get home to see what I have got.

So I gave my brother all the weed I had. But then as the night was passing I was looking at the half of a joint I had left from a couple of nights ago and said no, I want to keep some of that for myself. So I kept a couple of grams.

So the moral of this story is white widow is really really awesome shit, for those who have never tried it, if you get the chance go for it. :-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P you will never regret it and you will always wish you had more, enjoy:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: