White Widow Grow #1 Dresser

So I finaly started my first grow and im super happy with it. Im trying to get as much of the grow room set up with the stuff just laying around and making whatever i need to.

I got possibly 9/10 Widow and seeds to pop and sprout although there is one that is not looking good already. Not sure what I can do this early. It looks like one of the embryonic leaves is dead. We'll see if it can pull through. I also have 9/10 Ak-48 going right now until my friend gets his setup done.

I have some random bagseed (wasnt too special but i wanted a test plant that was a little ahead of the others) and it gave me something to do while i was waiting for my seeds from attitude to get here. and then just 12/12 it in hopes for celebrating my favorite holyday in april :bigjoint:but we'll see. (im not worried about curing the plant if i have to keep it flowering until the 19th cuz im just gonna make cannabutter so harsh smoke wont matter...if its way behind i read somewhere if u cut the light down to 10hrs a day it'll ripen quicker and just lower yeild so thats the plan)

The soil is just some hyponex potting soil that was on sale at walgreens (99cents for a bag that filled 15 jiffypots) mixed with perlite and i threw in some peat moss just cuz..

I have 13 CFLs going right now. eleven 23 watt 2700K, a 32 and a 42 watt which i dont know the color of. The 23 watters were at homedepot 12 for $21. they seem to be doing fine with the red lights but ill switch 'em out with some 6500K asap. As much as i want a HPS and put it in a cooltube i cant afford one after buying my books for school. Most of them are half the price of the class!:wall: Next Grow :)

I have a big box fan on the lights right now cuz im only half set up (wanna make it stealthier) and i still need to get an inlet and outlet fan before im gonna close the dresser up.

I have some aluminum foil on the sides. I was thinking about getting mylar but it hasnt been a real prority right now. I'm kinda waiting to get these ak-48s outa my way so i can concentrate on whats important lol.

I've been keeping temps no higher than 85F/29C. Last night i kept my window cracked which ended up keeping the temp at 77.7F for a several hours (better than 66.6 right?:fire:) Humidy tho has been a problem tho, at least today. its 20% is that really that bad? nights usually run better (50%) cuz i turn off the box fan and have an ionic filter going (read something about them feeling less stress).

I'm still debating on trying to do scrog or sog. I want to do a kinda Ushaped vscrog but from seed im not sure i want to train and entangle a male plant. I'm still leaning toward it tho cuz the plant next to it will just enjoy the extra room i guess.

im deffinatly new to this game and will need some help in the future. sooo follow along with me please and thank you.
half way there.

