White widow harvest, pics!(drying)


Active Member
1 plant ? iv just harvested today and hung my buds in a dark room with the fan on low and the extractor running and im wondering if thats right lol 47 oz wet weight of 10 plants first grow.....happy days!!! post a few pics tmoz cant be arsed tonight to tired lol


Well-Known Member
for one, your buds dont look like they were fully done. For two, yes you can dry them like that, but i prefer in a closet with no lights and a fan running on low.


Well-Known Member
after your first harvest, congrats. Now the hardest part is next IMO on the next grow, let them buds swell up more. You probably lost about 50% of your yield by getting too excited and saying "ah fuck it, I can't wait anymore..looks good and smells good....CHOP CHOP" I know from experience because that is what I did. how long did you flower and what light set up? Looks like you could have let that baby go another few weeks.

Meaning no offense by any of this. All things equal, you will have a little good smoke. I have found it easier to take buds off stem to dry out evenly and get rid of the risk of mold. happy toking

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Personally i like to trim prior to drying, i've noticed that once they start to dry, fan leaves get very stringy (when you pull them off they pull off a long fibre of stem that can slice buds off) and that it cna also be a lot messier, although granted not quite so sticky.


thanks for reviews! yeah i realized it wasnt best grow, i was using cfls so i wasnt expecting anything too crazy ya know? but veg time was about 2 months, and flowering about 9 1/2, 10 weeks. =/