White Widow in need please help


Active Member
I keep the temp between 80 and 90. Im very carefull to not over fertilize i water4 times a day fo 30 min each time. have have good air circulation and ventalation. Im using Biocare Bloom and Sweet at ther recomended doses. And i check my pH every day its pretty stable. Only thing I know of is my resovoir water is at 87 degrees when it should be much colder.

Its my newwest pic in my gallary


Well-Known Member
Way too warm.
You need to have the temps around 75F.
And "i water4 times a day fo 30 min each time.",are u serious?
Dude,only water once every 4 days or so...


Well-Known Member
u water 4 times a day for 30 minutes?! i dont know how ur plants arnt dead!

gl with the rest of ur grow. do as lex says, once every 4 days is about right. an dont do it for 30 minutes lol


Well-Known Member
because he is not growing in soil, sounds like a hydro feeding schedule to me, does seem like a lot though what medium? rez temps should be around 68 degrees. Is your rez near the light or balast? if so move away from the light and or balast to keep heat down. Also if you could lower the temps for the plants they would appreciate it they like it around 77 degrees. White Widow is a very ressiliant plant i had temps hit 106 degrees for 7 hours one day with no air circulation and it diddnt even look heat stressed while right next to it was a super silver haze which was quite stressed.


Well-Known Member
You may be careful not to over fert....but that looks like over ferting to me...coupled with way too hot res temps. They need to be leached asap


Well-Known Member
Get an exhaust and an intake fan and keep the room around 75 degrees instead of 80-90. The only time you need your room that warm is when you inject CO2 in the room. That's the only time your plants like it to bee that warm.