White Widow LED grow


I've been meaning to talk about her feeding schedule, I have her pretty mich running like clockwork, she's always gets watered/fed before noon, and every other day. I'm going Water ~1-1.5gal flower nute solution ~1gal Water ~1-1.5gal Booster solution ~1gal and then I just repeat it all over again. From my understanding this may be a bit much, but I like the cycle, and from experience with her, so does she :)


Tight, because I had read, plants might use up to a gal a week, and here I am watering them 3-4x more than that, I was a bit concerned, mainly with oversaturating the soil, and root rot, but drilling holes in the bottom of the bucket helped with that. Also salt build ups was a concern when I drilled the holes, needed to flush that bitch, she got straight water for a long while.

Good News!! Got a treat this morning will share in the next post.



My pro photography buddy took a couple pics for me :) literally brought a tear to my eye when I saw it :')



Thank you!! That would be awesome to HD pics all the time, I love the
So much!!

As for the wattage on the panel, the small side lights are 45 claimed equivalent of a 250W HPS, and the big one is a 300W with a claimed output of 1000W, which is awesome, but obviously doesn't translate the same.

As I said before there biggest advantage is how close you can get them to the light without burning, literally touching, even the big one. I personally didn't take 100% advantage of this, as this was initially just thrown together on an impulse more or less.


She's looking good, other than the fact that she wasn't watered during my absence, which was miscommunication, do she had some yellow water leaves, they're gone now, watered her, she should be much happier tomorrow, can't wait to see her bright and early.



Man, had an update ready to roll, and then shit got real and I lost it :( did some more trimming have her back on feeding schedule, she is getting all trichomey, can't wait to get some more pics up



The more I look at her the more she looks like a giant nuggy haha. Anyways, I'm starting to really see the benefits from the trimming, a lot of the holes I poked in the canopy have sexy little nugs now, makes me happy :) picture time, enjoy.



Well-Known Member


Mine are 45s, I think you're righ with the wattage. I would probably get more than one, the light doesn't spread very well and you will almost certainly need supplemental light during the flower stage


Well-Known Member
Crz if im not mistaken u said your using the Sunshine Systems GlowPanel and GlowPanel 45s correct?


Well-Known Member
Damn that girl looks good...im starting to be more convinced about growing with leds..and i love all the pics...plus rep......happy growing...


Thank you!! Shes steadily recovering from her small drought, yes I'm using te 45s, which i mistakenly thought were 45W they're like 28W my bad, but I don't think any less of them, just think that if I had 45W they would be amazing.

Pictures have been scarce, been busy, but I added 2 more of the 45s to take it to a total of 6 lights :) the new ones are tight, you can link up to 28 together.

More pics later today, little teaser
