White widow round 3, tangie round 2, blue dream round one


Well-Known Member
I was planning to let my last crop go a little longer, but then the nanners came on my big tangie and I decided it was time for the chop. I cut everything down and wiped/misted the closet really well. Much easier than decontaminating after a mushroom grow goes south.

This is my first grow with all LEDs all the way. I think the nanners were partially caused by switching lights halfway through and the resulting temp swings, plus the fact that I was not super diligent about keeping the closet door closed.

Since I chopped my last plants down and really needed the space in my tent, I decided that I can veg these in the closet for a while. I’m thinking two weeks. Maybe 3. I’m going to leave them in the two gallon pots until I flip them and then pop them in some 7 gallons and put the trellis back in.

Here’s what we’ve got going on right now. Don’t mind my little peyote graft that I’ve got chillin in there. I probably won’t update this again until the flip but stay tuned. I’m really hoping to get a huge yield on this one. That’s the goal. There are already lots of branches to scrog and who knows I might even veg them for another week under the trellis. The goal is to pull an elbow out of this one. You’ve gotta challenge yourself, right?

I would have liked to wait longer on the blue dream but I think she’ll do okay with more veg time. I may flip everything as soon as I have a rooted clone of the blue dream.



Well-Known Member
Subbed, tracking the chucker front right! Hehe!

Blue Dream?

Yep. The blue dream is front right. She’s from seed and everything else is from clone so she might hurt my total yield a bit, but I don’t want to wait for the next batch and I don’t want to rotate something in halfway. I like to be able to veg in the closet, as well as be able to shut it down for a thorough cleaning if I ever get nanners again like last time.


Well-Known Member
Wheres the ww and what was the genetic source
White widow are the 3 on the left. This pheno is from nirvana and fuckin fire. Here’s a pic of one of the buds I chopped yesterday. Rock hard buds, frosty af, and awesome chemmy lime candy smell. Nice little bits of purple and quite indica dominant. The last two grows have just been a pheno hunt and a small clone I threw in last minute. This time I’m growing her for mass production.


Well-Known Member
BTW everything in this crop is from nirvana. This will be my final indoor grow journal for their gear, although I’m putting that white widow and blue dream outside this spring and I’ll include that. I think I’m going to build 4 trellises in my backyard this year. Last year I did one (with 4 plants) and got over a pound and didn’t put them out until mid June. This year I want to put them out in April. One 3x3 trellis for each plant in a raised bed. But I digress.

The next grow journals will be of my greenpoint gear. Definitely snake oil and ice cream punch and maybe a pebble pusher and OBS if they stop being so uncooperative.

Also made one small but significant change to my light hardware that will allow me to raise it up about 6 more inches. The pheno that got the nanners got closer to the light than I would have liked.
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It hasn’t even been a week but they’re growing a lot faster under this light. White widow got a little hungry and the new growth started to yellow a bit. I hit everything with epsom salt, blackstrap molasses, and fish emulsion and they’re responding really well to it. I think I need to make the soil a little hotter than normal for this pheno.

Blue dream is really starting to fill out. She’s up to the 7th node and staying really compact. I think I’m going to wait until I flip her to get clones. Once those lower branches start stretching I’ll be able to get a bunch, and I have a feeling she’ll stretch. She’s half haze after all so I think it will be a similar situation to the more compact, non-nannering tangie pheno that I’m doing for this run (back right in second pic). I’m not sure about the smell of the nanner pheno. Definitely loud as fuck but a little too cloying. I like this other pheno that stays compact in veg and explodes into giant colas better. I think the blue dream will perform much the same way and I want all the apical meristems intact for huge colas. I always feel bad when I cut an early side branch for a clone and lose out on a big main cola.



Well-Known Member
So these white widows are still yellow at the tips. I don’t know why they’re not recovering faster because I gave them a nice combo of immediate and gradual release nutes. Organic top dress, and a little N, K, and Si in liquid form, as well as a good deal of epsom salt. I don’t want to overfeed so I’m waiting for the soil to dry out each time. I don’t want to flip them until they’re nice and dark green. I’ve always thought that yellowing at the tips with dark veins was magnesium. I’ve started doing some epsom salt foliar sprays because it’s the only other thing I haven’t tried. I don’t think they could be rootbound.



Well-Known Member
Well look at this, it’s been almost two weeks since I updated this. I guess I’ve been posting about it elsewhere. I had the lights cranked up too high and some of my plants got burned. They have finally recovered so yesterday I did my pre-flip trim and switched the lights to 12/12. I had them running at about 120 watts and putting about 18k lux over the canopy. I turned the light up to 240 watts and it’s putting about 40k lux over the canopy. The plants seem to like it. I don’t know if I should try to turn the lights up more or not. If I turn the boards up too high I can blow right past that 60k lux limit that causes them to burn, which I accidentally did once. Maybe I’ll push it up to 50k at week 3. We’ll see.

The plants look happy, and they all look pretty much the same now that I’ve defoliated them I’m gonna snag a couple cuttings off the blue dream once the lower side branches stretch a little more. I may keep the white widow (and maybe the blue dream if she does well) around even though I’m about to have a bunch of new stuff from greenpoint ready to clone. I could clone the ice cream punch today if I wanted but I’m waiting to sex all the reg seeds before I take clones.



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Veg time was around 2.5 months I think. I popped that blue dream bean sometime in November and potted the clones around the same time. I didn’t really keep track. All but one of them are clones. Yeah it’s a 3x3 trellis (if that’s what you mean) and I’m hoping to get it pretty solid with buds.


Well-Known Member
Also want to mention that I upgraded the light since I started this thread. I’ve been posting a little bit about it in LED and DIY but here it is again. I replaced those 4 cxb1820 cobs that were in the ends (that I salvaged out of some lights I bought at Lowe’s — $100 down the drain there) with some Samsung f564b strips that thankfully were able to run off the same driver as the cobs. I also spread the boards out closer to the ends of the light. I think the coverage is way better, not to mention energy efficiency and total light output. I’m pretty stoked about how much light I’m getting to the canopy with only 240 watts (according to the meter I have it plugged into).



Well-Known Member
It’s now been a little over a week since I switched to 12/12. Nothing has really stretched at all and has continued to get bushy. I’ve been defoliating like crazy. I decided to raise the light up a good amount. I’m going to keep it at this height through the flowering cycle unless something gets really tall. I can raise it up more if I want. Right now it’s using 300 watts and hitting the canopy with 40k lux. It still isn’t anywhere near full blast. I could turn it up more but I’m sort of afraid to.



Well-Known Member
Time for another update. Day 18. You might not be able to tell from the pic, but I’ve been defoliating these ladies like crazy. I’ll do a final round on Thursday, as I always do a final defoliation on day 21. The white widow loves being scrogged. The blue dream has been fighting me tooth and nail. She hates LST and I even snapped a stem working it into the trellis. That stem break didn’t even slow that branch down. She just powered right through and now there’s a clean scar. I still have no idea what the flower will be like but I took a cutting just to be sure. I have a gut feeling and every now and then Nirvana gear produces some gems. I threw one last plant in there, that frosty kandy kush. I’m probably retiring her though.

It’s looking like this will be a good yield. The canopy is exactly 6 square feet and I don’t know what a reasonable yield to expect would be, but if I get a half elbow out of everything I’ll be satisfied. I’m running my light at 430 watts/55,000 lux on the canopy. I’ve heard that these modern LEDs can produce upwards of 1.5 grams per watt, but I’m guessing that’s for a full square meter of canopy. What I can say is that there will be a lot of nice little spears. I lost count of how many colas there are.

At some point I’m going to have to redo my closet so I can get a full square meter of canopy in there, or 3 more plants. This would be exceeding my state sanctioned flowering plant count by one though :(

Anyway here’s the pic. I’ll post another update in a week or so and the buds should be taking shape by then.


Well-Known Member
Hasn’t been quite a week since the last update but they’ve really switched into full blown flowering since last Monday. I did not do enough defoliation and there’s gonna be a fair amount of larf to squish into rosin. I’m going to do one more round once I get motivated and then let em rip for the next month. The white widows are ideal at 55 days. Definitely a keeper pheno for the potency, taste, and fast flowering. This blue dream pheno is definitely indica dominant. She did not stretch much at all. Lots of colas here. This is gonna be a good yield, and as soon as these come down I’ll have some new big fuckers from greenpoint to throw in.



Well-Known Member
Day 29 now. Buds are really starting to take shape. I’ve got two clones of that white widow in my tent and I just ordered a little STS kit, so I’m going to do a S1 of that awesome pheno here before too long. I’ve come to realize I enjoy pheno hunting and growing stuff out from seed too much to keep a bunch of mothers around. That and lack of space. I’m going to try to do that chuck really quickly before I flower my next big batch and let the seed plant finish up alongside them. Might hit my snake oil too if I can get a clone ready in time. I think that lime candy/propane smell of the white widow pheno will go awesome with the diesel/stardawg.



Well-Known Member
So I want to add something else because I remember someone in this thread was interested in that blue dream. I don’t know how much my experience will translate to others with this. Blue dream is generally sativa dominant but mine is not. She seems to be a blueberry pheno. Didn’t stretch hardly at all — less than the white widow even. Wide fan leaves, thick stems, and short internodes. Sugar leaves smell like skunky blueberry. Definitely a good lookin pheno and I think the clones will be big yielders. Seems like an awesome outdoor pheno. Super hardy, short stature, and discreet smell. I will keep her and the white widow for sure, even though I’m done buying Nirvana gear for good. Here’s a closer pic of the blue dream but at this point in flowering they all look pretty much the same.
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Well-Known Member
So these white widows are still yellow at the tips. I don’t know why they’re not recovering faster because I gave them a nice combo of immediate and gradual release nutes. Organic top dress, and a little N, K, and Si in liquid form, as well as a good deal of epsom salt. I don’t want to overfeed so I’m waiting for the soil to dry out each time. I don’t want to flip them until they’re nice and dark green. I’ve always thought that yellowing at the tips with dark veins was magnesium. I’ve started doing some epsom salt foliar sprays because it’s the only other thing I haven’t tried. I don’t think they could be rootbound.

View attachment 4454171
Rapid growth will do that. Plants are demanding so much.


Well-Known Member
Day 38. Everything is starting to chunk out and frost up nicely. The white widow is done in just over 7 weeks but the 3 on the right (kandy kush, tangie, and blue dream back to front) might take longer. The blue dream may look indica dominant, but I have a feeling she’s gonna take 9 weeks. The tangie (the indica dominant pheno — I retired the one with nanners) and the kush were done in 8 last time. This new light was really worth it. Power bills are down and yields are up! I’ll only have to buy weed for a couple more weeks. I’m gonna try to get the larf dried and squished almost immediately after harvest.
