White Widow Seeds


Well-Known Member
I'm looking to get white widow seeds, im looking for the cheapest and most reliable website. Is it illegal for marijuana seeds to be shipped in the US?


Smoky McPot
yes, its illegal, but you can get away with it if ur smart. i guess even if ur not smart. I use sensibleseeds.com bc of prices and they have never failed to get the seeds to me.


Well-Known Member
i ordered nirvana's WW thru Dr. Chronic.. 10 seeds, was about 40$ (CND).. got them in 6 days.. all ten germed and and grew well (4/10 fems), picked the 2 best fems.. i harvest in a few weeks but overall i was extremely happy.
like dirtyal said, just try to be smart, do some research and you wont be disappointed, it's not as scary as people have you believe...


Well-Known Member
depends.. if u buy feminized seeds, they are/should be. in my case, no they werent but i also wanted males as i primarily grow outdoors, guerilla style.. so i used the best male to polinate a few branches of my best female and should have lots of seeds for next season.. there are many places that sell WW seeds now, like i said, just do some research and you should find some good quality seeds for a good price


Active Member
Just be careful bro, I wouldnt have them shipped to my house or in my name. And whatever you do, don't have them shipped to the grow location