White Widow/ Sour Deisel Clone How to


Alright here is the Situation,

I am going to score a WW/SD Clone from a buddy, He is a Shity Grower. But he has a Bad Ass Strain So,

I am going to have him Cut a Clone off his Mother and I was wondering how to Go about this,

Question 1

I have a 6 Inch Pot to Start with, I need to know what is the Best Soil their is to get for this Clone to root in. I have no Rooting hormone. I am Broke and I need the cheapest shit Possible.

Question 2

After I have the Clone I would Like to know If I could Just Put it on the Window Seal during the Day and Then put it under a 13.5 Watt L.e.d. (blue and Red) at Night. So it do-sent Flower.

Question 3

How often do I water a clone?In the 6 inch pot

Best Awnser gets to Smoke a Fat:weed: Phone