White Widow + The Church, 600W HPS, LST


Well-Known Member
So, here it is the beginning of my second grow!

It has been a while since I harvested my first grow, which was very successful. Good yield and very, very potent. But this time I aim to do better, if I can.

My set-up has changed significantly so i have no idea what to expect from this grow. I have limited height this time round so giving LST (Low stress training) is a must! I have never done it before, but looking forward to the challenge.

I have successfully germinated 4 White widows and 3 The church. Both of which are feminised.

They have been potted (7 June 09) and Today (8 June 09) they begin life under my 600W HPS. They are going to be vegging under 18/6 conditions for as long as i feel is neccessary. I will not be growing them huge as space, mainly height is going to be an issue this time round.

I am to get at least 2-3 weeks of veg under my belt before i put them to flower.

I may post pics sometime, most likely if i have a problem or something. But i'll be more than likely to post pics of my harvest, if i make it that far!

Well i'm strapping myself in! this is going to be a long ride, hopefully it will be trouble free. But who knows.

Now we play the waiting game..... :)


Well-Known Member

Things are progressing quite nicely.

I had another Church seed pop a day after the others, it was potted on the 9th June. However, it has shrivelled up into nothing.

I'm not exactly sure why this has happened. What concerns me is that it also happened to one of my White Widows. The others are thriving, but these two decided to shrivel up into nothing!

Tomorrow (15/6/09) will be the one week mark. :)


Well-Known Member
Growth has been slowing down over the last few days so I decided to transplant them into larger pots.

sure enough they had become root bound. they have plenty of room now, looking forward to seeing their progress.

I'm also using many different types of soil. More info to come.


Active Member
keep up the work man, following closely, i'm curious to see what this "church" and it's "social high" are really like. you gotta share the pictorial love my friend!


Well-Known Member
ok, big changes...

i decided to do something very different.

i have now placed all my plants outside. i did this for a couple of reasons.

1. grow room isn't 100% ready, i hadn't sorted out the heat issues i was having. some of the plants show signs of heat stress unfortunately.

2. i have never done outside before. i'm willing to try it out. see what mother nature can do.

Pics will follow very soon.