White Widow


Well-Known Member
I have 3 Seedsman white widows outdoors about 8 weeks flowering. Anyways, the two short pheno’s are just super plump looking, and the leaves are beginning to steeple up to enclose the buds, but they still have 30-50% or so white pistils.

The thing is, is took some testers and I’ll be damned if it isn’t the BEST DAMN BUD i’ve had in years. Super clear head ZERO anxiety/paranoia, grin inducing, music-jamming, muscle relaxing, aphrodisiac high.

My question is: should I let it go longer? Will it be the same, just more intense and more final weight? Or should I chop this unicorn bud now, and be thankful for what it is? Trich’s are milky just no amber to speak of. 5D47C10A-89B3-438D-B99C-242247D03155.jpeg4B5B80EF-12A7-42B6-9EBD-6170D19B9A79.jpeg4F4DECF7-60C2-4D38-8123-3AF8F766527D.jpeg62A60049-1ED6-4CAF-9904-0A25B2318057.jpeg0C4C650B-8F86-49CD-AE48-5ABC87EF6306.jpeg
I'd assume they are still fattening up not sure about the high thing, someone with experience will be along
My WW from Seedman. Looks like you are a little ahead of me.

You'll be giving up some swelling therefor yield/potency/taste/smell for sure, I dont know if it will be noticeable at all, As for the high, you may alter it, Are you sure it just wasnt a good vibe that night and its reproducible? If so, you may have just found what your preference is... Im the opposite, I like a more narcotic "couchlock" "body" high I guess they would call it... Picked later, more for pain I feel.. But there are plenty of people who prefer the speedy head high comes with picking early like your testers, Which is said to be more clear headed energetic and if that bud is all your personal stash... Im not one to tell you dont do it, Just know what you're doing when making that decision. I like to take some early (very little relatively speaking) and then harvest as they ripen usually within a weeks time if growing outdoors. If indoors and Im cutting the whole room at once then I aim for the later vs. earlier.

But they do look to be within the harvest window, and if you are satisfied with the way they dry... Then go for it. If they're drying and still airy or fluffy, you know to wait a bit longer.. But you'll have to decide if you think that high was worth it, and whether you want to give up the potential growth that would be cut short if so.

Great job and good luck, the bud look fantastic. :weed: :peace:
Here’s a white widow. Not sure from where. I’m sure there’s a couple of hundred different ones.
how much do you harvest on average per plant from an indoor white widow grow. online thge numbers are all over the place.