Who Created The Intelligent Creator?


Active Member
first of all let's be CIVIL in this thread please, arguing on this topic is pointless... we should all know that by now.

second, I understand that this question usually scares people off, and I have never been given an answer-usually people will straight ignore me/ the question like it didn't even happen..lol

so if you've got what the bible/torah/ your mind/whatever says on this topic... feel free to (please) answer this question here :bigjoint:

~Who created the intelligent creator?~


Active Member
ahh lol just what I expected nobody can answer this simple question. wtf really?? no opinions at all?


Active Member
I love how all the religious people are more and more proving themselves wrong. and only the athiest/agnostics/I don't give a fuck people can answer me:roll: so thanks guys! lol


Active Member
It is impossible for the human mind to grasp infinity. Empty set doesn't cut it.



Active Member
your asking the wrong question. if anyone answers ~Who created the intelligent creator?~
then you will ask who created that creator blah blah its a never ending story
Does the creator have to be created or can it just exist?


Well-Known Member
Hmmmmm. The intelligent creator is the all. Always has been, always will be. Read the Kybalion its interesting and deep.


Well-Known Member
Hmmmmm. The intelligent creator is the all. Always has been, always will be. Read the Kybalion its interesting and deep.
ya know, im not religious, but can my fellow non-religious folk please answer what spawned the big bang, or what came before that? no, because its all loose theories (back that far that is). so the christian folk will have as little answer as the atheist crowd. :wall:

and anyone who does have a serious concept of 'the beginning' is a fool, the whole point is living in the only perspective we can. expecting intelligent design believers to regurgitate their learned/halucinated stance on initial creation isnt worthwhile, just like if i asked you.


Well-Known Member
Wow, the First page does have an Almighty Civil tone Going :roll:, but hey, let's start with the Conservation of Energy, It can not be Created or Destroyed, but How did it Originate? and let's get an understanding of What Energy is by definition - the Ability to Do Work.

So where/how did this Potential to Do Work Originate?

Stating that Energy cannot be Created or Destroyed is the Equilvalent of the REligous folks saying God has always been.....

So if Energy came into existence right before the Big Bang (if I stated that correctly) What tools exist that manipulate/ compose Energy?

Polar Opposites / Current (i think)

Now let's think of Water being like a Current, it flows in a Path of least resistance.... There is also another that acts in this matter, The Mind...the mind will flow like a Current, to that which is the least resistance.......

Now let's say instead of having a Creator (1mind), we have instead 2 currents of Mind that worked together: When flowing in the SAme direction, they Attract until the path of least resistance is Met and then they flow in opposite Directions, repelling each other until the path of least resistance is met (magnetic field) and once again are Attracted by flowing once again in the Same direction in a continuous cycle until the path of least resistance is met in a stillness of Balance..:roll:

So What created the the Intelligent Creator ( 2 minds) :roll: :lol:

Here's your Ridiculous Answer and Provided on the Whim :lol:.

Next Question please ;-),

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
first of all let's be CIVIL in this thread please, arguing on this topic is pointless... we should all know that by now.

second, I understand that this question usually scares people off, and I have never been given an answer-usually people will straight ignore me/ the question like it didn't even happen..lol

so if you've got what the bible/torah/ your mind/whatever says on this topic... feel free to (please) answer this question here :bigjoint:

~Who created the intelligent creator?~
What an idiotic question

Asking who created the creator, is illogical.

It's like the art asking who created the artist

Also, the universe cannot be self-caused nothing can create itself, because that would mean that it existed before it came into existence, which is a logical absurdity.


Well-Known Member
Idiotic an Absurd it is, When all that is needed is for the Art to simpLy Observe itself to Understand the Artist


Well-Known Member
And doesn't it Say somewhere in the Bible that God created Man in his Own Image....

Why do You Trust in the Bible if You can Not Comprehend it and it is Beyond your Scope of Understanding.....

Why Do you Not Trust Your Own Reflection..

I assumed this Was to Be a thread to Spark Creative thinking, NOt provide facts of that Which we Assume Not 2 Know, behind every Scientific Discovery, a Creative Thought was Processed and brought forth to be Tested...

So as the OP stated, share Your Opinions and Thoughts, We do NOt need to Know what We already Don't Know!!!

And for the Handicapped who Are unable to have an Independent Generated Thought, there are plenty of Other Threads up that Allow You to Regurgitate,

I Call them My Puppet Vs Robot threads, they Mimic the REality you Need for Sanity,

This Message will Self Destruct in 5,4,3,2,1 :roll:



Well-Known Member
So who created Sweet Baby Jesus, :roll:, Ah Hah, Joseph & Mary...

See this is How things Get Done, :lol:


Well-Known Member

That would be my guess. (If he ever existed... which i'm sure he never did :sleep: )

Ha, ha

but this belongs in the :spew:Section. This isn't no Fun!! Back 2 Puppets vs. Robots UFC 3010 :roll:

I left something for my English/Grammar Majors as Well, Don't worry it's on the House :lol:


Well-Known Member
I believe everything comes from what I like to call the source or pure energy. This energy is not positive or negative - it's pure. I also believe the universe is cyclical. This would mean it creates & destroys itself. It's maybe possible the universe we live in now is a result of the destruction of a previous universe?

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
I believe everything comes from what I like to call the source or pure energy. This energy is not positive or negative - it's pure. I also believe the universe is cyclical. This would mean it creates & destroys itself. It's maybe possible the universe we live in now is a result of the destruction of a previous universe?
ooo the source of pure energy sounds so new age.

Can I have some crystal power too? :bigjoint: