Who Do You Believe: Trump or Mexico?

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So President Trump triumphantly announced his new tariff-saving agreement with Mexico that he will reveal to us "in the future - fully signed and documented."

Except the Foreign Minister of Mexico, Marcelo Ebrard, says that there is no such deal.

So who do you believe?

Is it possible that Trump just made the whole thing up just to placate his feeble fan-base?

No Secret Immigration Deal Exists With U.S., Mexico’s Foreign Minister Says

https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/10/...tion=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage

WASHINGTON — The Mexican foreign minister said Monday that no secret immigration deal existed between his country and the United States, directly contradicting President Trump’s claim on Twitter that a “fully signed and documented” agreement would be revealed soon.

Marcelo Ebrard, Mexico’s top diplomat, said at a news conference in Mexico City that there was an understanding that both sides would evaluate the flow of migrants in the coming months. And if the number of migrants crossing the United States border was not significantly reduced, he said, both sides had agreed to renew discussions about more aggressive changes to regional asylum rules that could make a bigger impact.

“Let’s have a deadline to see if what we have works and if not, then we will sit down and look at the measures you propose and those that we propose,” Mr. Ebrard said, describing the understanding reached by negotiators last week.

Mr. Trump has insisted for several days that the agreement reached with Mexico Friday evening is a strong one, rejecting criticism that it largely called upon the Mexicans to take actions to reduce the flow of immigration that they had already agreed to months earlier.
He also recently said that the Chinese economy has lost something like $13 trillion since he took office - which is about the total size of the Chinese economy.

Edit: he actually said $15-20 trillion. That is more than the entire Chinese economy which, by the way, has continued to grow around 6% since he took office. He further went on to say that, if he was not elected, China's economy would have become larger than ours (which is over $100 trillion) "by the end of her term."

Also, no collusion!
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Trump is the king of lies. His statements on China etc. he pulls out of his arse. Then denies it. He's literally mentally ill.
Mentally ill or prefrontal cortex dementia. Either way I truly question his competence. Between his Executive Time and his tweeting from the shitter it’s obvious a lot of other people are making decisions. Not advising him. Making decisions and policy.
Mexico agreed months ago to deploy “military” to their southern border. However the National Guard that’s going to be deployed there has yet to be formed. No small nation fields an insane size military monster that’s going to eat most of their treasure and buy little.

So I’m sure they probably tried to soothe him with promises to speed it up. But how?
“Per a defense ministry report written by General Guillermo Galván Galván, the Army has 259,770 active duty soldiers, about 0.16 percent of the population. Its 1989 budget was 0.7 percent of the country's Gross National Product (GNP). In 1999, Mexico's military budget increased to 0.9 percent of its GDP, to US$4.0 billion. Since the year 2000, however, with the economic boost that the country has experienced, the defense budget was decreased to 0.5 percent of the GDP, and in 2007 had an annual expenditure of US$4 billion. Since President Calderón assumed office in December 2006, he has submitted legislation increasing the budget, in order to fight the drug war against the narcotics cartels, and narcotic drug trafficking in general, that have extended their violent business to each corner of the country. In 2012, Mexico spent US$7.1 billion on its military, amounting to 0.6 percent of GDP.”

Americans think everybody else is as stupid as we are by supporting these “armies and navies”.
There are at present 192 countries on planet earth.

The U.S. presently has troops deployed in 80% of them.

It's stupid, wasteful and moronic on an unprecedented level.

And people have the gall to wonder why the world hates us.
Lol, Trump produced a single piece of paper and waved it in front of reporters to show that he wasn't lying.

"This is just one page of a very long and very good agreement..." said Trump.


He refused to say what was on the paper "I'll let Mexico announce do the announcement (of the secret agreement) at the right time" but reporters photographed it and it says exactly what the Mexico Foreign Minister said it did.

"Without the tariffs, we would have nothing."

What a fucking idiot.

"The president offered a series of confusing and contradictory statements, saying repeatedly that Mexico would have to submit the agreement to “their congress” while simultaneously saying that he has the power to impose it unilaterally if he wants to.

“If they bring the numbers way down, we won’t have to, but this is my option,” Mr. Trump said. “It goes into effect when I want it to, but I have a lot of respect for the president of Mexico. I have a lot of respect for the people we dealt with, so I don’t want to do that, and they have to go back to congress to get that approved.

Moments later, he said that “it will go into effect when Mexico tells me its O.K. to release it.””
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