Who else smokes on a daily basis?

How OFTEN do you smoke, is the question. Not how much.. how OFTEN.

  • All day... every day...

    Votes: 51 75.0%
  • Once every single day of the month...

    Votes: 11 16.2%
  • Few times each week...

    Votes: 2 2.9%
  • Every now and then...

    Votes: 4 5.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
Surely I can't be the only person around here that smokes at least once every day. Am I?

Anyhow, I'm starting to get a little burned out.. thought about not smoking for about a week or so.. bring my tolerance down a little as well.

Share how much you smoke with the rest of us.. but please, be honest and mature about this. I'm wanting legit results.. might be asking alot.. especially from some of you.. but just try.

Vote in the poll I created.

**Felons may also vote by the way.. ;)**


Well-Known Member
i want to try to stop for a few days to bring my tolerance down also ,
but i just fail ,
call myself testing lol , i puff everyday
its so hard not to when your a grower

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
yep smoke daily (when i can), probably about a gram a day (more when its colder out). I have done this for about two years now since my accident.


Active Member
I smoke about a half oz a week I should cut down but I don't want to ,its the cost that kills thats why I can't wait til mine is ready


Well-Known Member
Smoke at 5am before work, smoke again at 9am in the car, bong hit for lunch, oil dabs when I'm home, fucked up every hour on days off.

ALL DAY! :weed:


Well-Known Member
Im ripped pretty much all day........had to go to VA to get lab work done and have the Doctor renewe a couple of scripts.......they called my name and I went in the doctors room waiting and took 2 nice hits off my Magic Flight..........doctor walked in and kinda looked funny but didnt say anything LOL.......thought it was left over on my clothes cause he knows I smoke......I love vapeing lOL...........


Active Member
I gotta lay off my 'Honey Oil' that stuff just keeps pushing my tolerance, now i am smoking too much, i too would like to cut down a tad?


Well-Known Member
I might not smoke all day everyday but I do smoke multiple times a day and enough that I feel a little high when I wake up.

I do a lot of driving in the am and don't like being ripped because it makes my day drag out. I usually light up right after.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I've been drifting into smoking multiple times a day now.. kinda sucks... but its when I get stoned at night that truly kills my tolerance bad... if you only blaze once a day your tolerance will be great.. if you only blaze twice a day and not at night your tolerance will be good...

but for those who need weed to sleep I totally understand... to them I say make edibles and indulge every other day ;)


Well-Known Member
I been smoking everyday for the past 2 years I love it
Me too man but, I am about to start at least a week long tolerance break. Been through about 3 oz in Feb and am still smoking like a chimney. I have only a few grams left and a bout a gram of oil and full melt. Went through the last of my brownies last night. Good luck to you on your T-Break and good luck to me as well.


Active Member
I smoke at least once a day. If I am partying with friends we smoke a lot more often. Or if I am on vacation from school I smoke a ton too


Well-Known Member
I don't smoke every day. I smoke a few times a week but i will go through phases where I will smoke daily for a week or so. I usually roll a joint and it lasts a while because I ony take 3 hits and that's enough. Sometimes I smoke the same joint for 2 or 3 days.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I've been drifting into smoking multiple times a day now.. kinda sucks... but its when I get stoned at night that truly kills my tolerance bad... if you only blaze once a day your tolerance will be great.. if you only blaze twice a day and not at night your tolerance will be good...

but for those who need weed to sleep I totally understand... to them I say make edibles and indulge every other day ;)
all these edibles be fucking my tolerance up poplars lol

ill melt down 1/3 a cup of oil, and pour it in... but then theres a bunch on the walls of the measuring cup... so I rub it all over my hands, and all over my arms... and trip balllllls. LOL

it goes through the skin and hits you like a brick... man this dude poured like 5oz on my hand when trying to pour a large batch into a jar... licked it off and drove home straight tripping balls


Well-Known Member
Of course every day fo sho

But its always nice to take a break every once in a while

Usually ends up being 1 month every year or two


Well-Known Member
I smoke everyday but not all day... well, not ALL day EVERY day, just sometimes. and yeah, honey oil is WRECKING my tolerance. it's so strong it's kinda uncool. But I'll smoke it. alot. sometimes to the detriment of my day's plans.


Well-Known Member
i smoke every day. like 1-2 times during the day, and i stay high at night.....

been getting really high quality weed lately, so between me and my girl only go through 1/8 per week.....

but when it's lower quality stuff we go through 1/2-1oz per week or more easily.....