Who here does NOT FLUSH!


Well-Known Member
Ok riu well Id like to hear some opinions of growers that have expiermented with flushing and NOT flushing. Ive heard many mixed reviews and I would like to hear from someone who legitimently tested this "flushing" theory. Buds explode the last few weeks and I find it hard to belive that cutting off their supply would help them. Also, do you know people who grow tomatoes and other veggies? How come they never flush? I personally have never flushed and my buds always amaze me. Again I would like to hear opinions of ones who have tested this.
personally i have only flushed my first grow and i have to say as long as problems dont arise the "salt" level is normal. though it will not show in the fan leaves untill the problem has been there for at least a few days. as far as bigger buds thats horse shit compared to soil and not flushing if not needed._my opinion.
I gradually start reducing the ppm around 7th week and completely cut them off my the 9th week and give them only pH'd h2o till the end. Not as long as others but I didnt feed to the end either.


Well-Known Member
I run hydro and I only chemical flush two days...I lower the ppm to 300 for 5 days and flush the last two after that. The reason I do this is simple I like to ripen the buds. I also raise the PH from 5.5-5.8 to 6.3-6.5. Where the plants can take up calcium and magnesium better and locks out iron and boron. Calcium helps the buds not get over ripened and helps in curing. But that's just me. Good growing


Active Member
i have heard of people giving full strength nutes up until week 8 of 10, then 50% week 9, then 15% for the final week, followed by 2 days darkness with ph'd h2o for a quick flush and to help with thc production.

I will be trying that technique out next time :)

Also boost? (Sorry for the Semi Hi-Jak) Does anybody flush with boost?


Well-Known Member
nice avatar thats my blanket lol love it i use final flush for 2 to 5 days before harvest but im in hydro so honestly i mainly do it to get some or most of the nutes off my hydroton so cleaning is easier


Well-Known Member
i grow with organic nutes and molasses, i use nutes up till the end of week7 then just molasses until its ready


Rebel From The North
I fush for a week with with strait water in soil, but ive pulled down early to with no flush and couldnt tell the defference


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys love the replies. I'm a firm believer that flushing is not necessarily REQUIRED for us soil growers. I do how ever lower the nutes to about half of what i was giving them and the last 1 or 2 waterings is just water no nutes. I don't think cutting them off from their food for the last 2 weeks is good at all because thats when the buds are changing and growing explosively. Think of it this way, many people use manure and other stuff when growing, do u ever taste shit when u eat a steak or other vegetables? Personally, I'm going to do a little experiment with my current grow. I'm going to flush 1 of my plants for 2 weeks and the other I'm going to feed up until harvest day. I'm gonna dry and cure them exactly the same and have someone pack a bowl of each for me so I can test. I know we all have our opinions but I wanna do this so that i know what I like best. And if I Don't see a difference then I know i can always feed my plants as much as they need all the way until harvest day instead of starving the shit outta them and causing alot of stress during the most important 2 weeks of their lives.


Well-Known Member
Because naturally, iron is found in hemoglobin. That's the chemical that makes up red blood cells. That's like saying my bud tastes like bud! Well no shit it's naturally composed of that.


Well-Known Member
No that's like saying bud taste like blood. And if you load on iron it will affect the taste. The whole purpose of this thread was does flushing help the taste and the simple answer is yes. Just pointing out that there are parts of the animal that do taste like iron. It was to show that no answer is that simple and flushing isn't either. Don't flush dirt taste good. Good growing

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Flushing is like Almond Joy or Mounds. Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't. For me, it all depends on which type of nutrients I am using. If I am using a organic based nuts, then I usually do not flush. If they are chemical based, i flush at the end. If it is soil i use just PH'd h2o for 5-7 days, if it is hydro, then 3-5 days depending on nuts and medium. Their length of flush also depends on how much h2o that strain is drinking. I used to be concerned about smoking them chemical nuts, until I came to understand that the chemical never gets to the buds before it is changed into what is useful for them. Like when I drink a bunch of beer. The beer is not flowing around in my veins, but Sugar and what else my body has repoduced from the beer. At least that is how I think of it. I am not medical doctor.


Well-Known Member
Can you taste fertilizer in your beef, corn, tomatoes and other foods? Didnt think so. I'm pretty sure i've never seen farmers flushing their entire crop lol.


Well-Known Member
Can you taste fertilizer in your beef, corn, tomatoes and other foods? Didnt think so. I'm pretty sure i've never seen farmers flushing their entire crop lol.
Have you seen them fertilize their crops a week away from harvest?


New Member
Have you seen them fertilize their crops a week away from harvest?
Farmers typically fertilize late in production. When I grow veggies outdoors, I only use nutes early on, and they get plain old water most of the time.

We, as growers with nutes, are REALLY PUSHING our plants to produce a ton. When I am gardening in my back yard, I am trying to grow good tomatoes, etc, but not necessarily the BIGGEST tomatoes. And I would bet that any seasoned veggie grower will agree, that organic veggies taste the best, mainly because they have not been completely overrun by nutrients, etc.

I am not an expert, and certainly not trying to argue your point about whether marijuana needs a flush.

I have never tried NOT FLUSHING, so I really cannot say I ran an experiment. I just like what I get, so I keep doing the same thing. I will have to do an experiment, maybe with 2 similar sized clones of the same phenotype? Then we can see if there is noticeable difference in taste AND quantity?


Well-Known Member
Fertilizing corn should be done on the basis of soil tests and yield goals. Corn requires approximately 1.25 lbs. of elemental nitrogen (N), 0.6 lbs. of phosphate (P2O5) and 1.4 lbs. of potash (K2O) to produce one bushel of grain corn. Fertilizing can occur anytime during a growing cycle, up to and including harvest time. Every type of soil is different and has a different chemical make up that requires different fertilizers. You'll want to test the soil to find out its chemical make up and talk to your local seed and fertilizer store. They will have the right fertilizer to meet the needs of your soil. If you don't have the right one, you could very well kill the crop you are spending so much time trying to grow