who here spins there weed????

do you mix your weed with tobacco????

  • yes

    Votes: 8 21.6%
  • no

    Votes: 25 67.6%
  • both but preffer to spin the weed

    Votes: 2 5.4%
  • both but preffer not to spin the weed

    Votes: 2 5.4%
  • dont really care, either way your tokin and thats all that matters

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
as the topic title says
how many people smoke there bud with tobacco????
and who doesnt....

any asnwers welcome but plz dont put people down for there preffferance.

ill go first u guess

i smoke my weed with spin generally although i dont mind smoking without the stuff.... i go thrue more ciggies when i dont spin and i just preffer it... i get both my fixes at once which allows for ultimate relaxation
.. bongsmilie:sleep:..

so my answer is i guess im a spinner ppl



Well-Known Member
wouldn't think of it, the one is a stimulant the other a depressant... seems silly to mix it... plus the tobacco makes the smoke harsh... (I know it feels the other way around at first) but give someone who is used to clean weed, a mixed surprise and watch him cough.


Well-Known Member
yeah i know i used to only smoke strait weed but then after a while i just started spinning cos heaps of other people were and now its become my preferance too... like you said it goes down a bit smoother for me now than it did when i first started smoking spun...

your right tho i do find strait weed a bit harsher now :)


Well-Known Member
I never used to spin, but when I was younger I moved to a place where weed was crazy expensive, everyone spun to make it go further. I wish I could go back to smoking straight up but its not the same...


Well-Known Member
kinda what happened to me really.. i find it helps somer bud burn better too.. specially if they dont dry n manicure it right


stays relevant.
wouldn't think of it, the one is a stimulant the other a depressant... Seems silly to mix it... Plus the tobacco makes the smoke harsh... (i know it feels the other way around at first) but give someone who is used to clean weed, a mixed surprise and watch him cough.
i fuckin love your avatar!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I use to just enjoy a ciggerette after smoking bud it seems to enhance your high. I quit smoking them and now the only tobacco I ever have is a cigar when I'm drunk maybe once a month. Weed is where it's at.



Well-Known Member
I find in the uk its common for people to 'spin' there weed, not many people i know smoke straight weed ! :)


Well-Known Member
Here is a little experiment for you... it does seem to work on a lot of people this way...

smoke some clean herb, check your eyes afterwards if they are red (sorry you occasional smokers will probably get red eyes anyway)
on a next occasion, mix herb and tobbaco, or just chase a clean bit down with a cigi... (check your eyes out again)

I know the cigarette for me, does add to the buz, but not in a pleasant way, it seems to go in the opposite way of the intention.

I probably smoked mixed for the first 7 years or so, so I am familiar with it. But I reccon we do get a little smarter as we get older... just a little, when I look at my mom some days, its a friggen tiny tiny little.

P.S. Love your avatar too. although I'm not going to look at it too much... I spend far to much time in ways where it may just affect me negatively.


Well-Known Member
WOW, i guess its because i dont smoke but that just sounds nasty. I dont want anything to affect the taste of my sweet bud. But i guess i dont even like the smell of cigs so i guess it isnt meant to be.

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
WOW, i guess its because i dont smoke but that just sounds nasty. I dont want anything to affect the taste of my sweet bud. But i guess i dont even like the smell of cigs so i guess it isnt meant to be.

It actually doesnt effect the taste and when smoked through a bong it gives a much better head rush.


Well-Known Member
specially for a first time spinner lol..

i agree about not effecting the taste. i personally dont notice much differance except for i dont feel the same without spin as when i smoke with spin...

like i said must be cos i get both ma fixes at the same time resulting in a more relaxing stoned for me....


Well-Known Member
I use to smoke and have smoke spinners. I'm not a fan of it. I never like it either when I use to smoke. I don't like mixing the two tastes. I found that I was smoking spinners like a cigarette and flying through it.

I haven't smoke ciggies in about 10 years and my buddy gave a joint of some new stuff to try. He gave me a spinner, I took two draws off of it and thought I was going to faint. My head was crazy light, to the point where I couldn't finish it. Defiantly not my thing.


Well-Known Member
not a cigg smoker so i def dont mix.

im curious...are most of you "spinners" frome the UK or europe? ive heard its popular over there and i dont know a single american who does it.


Well-Known Member
okay, maybe its just americans who dont really like to mix?

any americans who spin? i think the closest we get is blunts.