Hello everybody and thank you for such an informative and enjoyable site! Who knew after 25 years that I would stumble on something, realize how much I missed those days, and pounce on the opportunity. It went like this...
You found what in your washing machine? Well now, let me throw those old, tired and probably dead seeds away for you (I am very helpful of course).....
And thus started my quest three weeks ago that has taken me from the depths of despair (no way are they going to sprout) to the heights of excitement (OMG they are ALIVE and GROWING!!!). LOL, it has been an amazing journey so far, and I have you all to thank for keeping me sane and educated along the way.
You found what in your washing machine? Well now, let me throw those old, tired and probably dead seeds away for you (I am very helpful of course).....
And thus started my quest three weeks ago that has taken me from the depths of despair (no way are they going to sprout) to the heights of excitement (OMG they are ALIVE and GROWING!!!). LOL, it has been an amazing journey so far, and I have you all to thank for keeping me sane and educated along the way.