Who Murdered Ivana

The Donald couldn’t afford the alimony anymore with all the lawyers and fighting the hole Jan 6th thing.
So please take one for
The team, honey.
And we’ll just ask for donations in the condolence announcement …….” That’s ok, right guys”? “Sure is Mr Trump, excuse me sir, I need to go wipe your drippings from my chin”.
Big whoop. She couldn't have had any info beyond what her dumbass kids told her. We need to hear from more people who were "in the room", or flipflopping insurrectionists
Perhaps there was more going on with old mushroom dick than we know? Did she order him around with her mean Czech voice and pee on him while he wore a golden ball gag? Just a thought, y’all have a good day :o!
I really miss having a dot matrix printer where the paper was all connected as one long sheet. This really calls for making a bunch of "Trump killed ivana" banners posted along roadways...I would use Log Cabin font for emphasis.