Who stands to profit from the virus?


Well-Known Member
Boy oh boy there are going to be some very wealthy people who will benefit greatly from this pandemic. Companies like CVS who get the vaccine for free from the feds can charge the consumers a fee for administration. We're just not sure yet how much those fees will be. There must be a lot of other examples not including Bezos who will become rich beyond their wildest dreams on the backs of Americans and I'm not certain that is unethical and not an example of capitalism at its finest. So in the end who will be raking in the cash?
If you were to add up the hours spent of businesses like CVS administering the vaccine across the country, I think we'd see that it'd be ridiculous to expect them to provide those hours/services for free, so I'm sure it will make them some money, but I highly doubt they're going to be Shkreli gouging people. There may even be an agreement to cap the cost in order to receive the vaccines for free, I have no idea, but it would make sense.
a friend of a friend went to asia via turkey and on the return had to pay for a covid test in asia, then in turkey and then on return to uk, as none of would accept the reports from the previous :D
And good luck to them, they are a business/investors after all, they'll get rich beyond their dreams and all of humidity will benefit, you really can't top that can you?
I've been doing pretty good driving during this pandemic, especially when the lock downs first started last year and the HOS (hours of service) were relaxed so truckers could deliver essentials

I would say that I made profit for sure
I've been doing pretty good driving during this pandemic, especially when the lock downs first started last year and the HOS (hours of service) were relaxed so truckers could deliver essentials

I would say that I made profit for sure
Our industry has had its best ever fiscal results due to the influx of stay at home workers trying to upgrade their homes. The thing that held back even more profits was the interruption of the supply chains. Even with these effects on higher profits the death and hardship experienced by the masses far out weighs any benefit to a few. At my work place the workers were given the majority of the extra profits through bonus’s and other things that helped them and the local economy overcome some of the hardship their families experienced.
Our industry has had its best ever fiscal results due to the influx of stay at home workers trying to upgrade their homes. The thing that held back even more profits was the interruption of the supply chains. Even with these effects on higher profits the death and hardship experienced by the masses far out weighs any benefit to a few. At my work place the workers were given the majority of the extra profits through bonus’s and other things that helped them and the local economy overcome some of the hardship their families experienced.

I count my blessings every day how fortunate I am right now. I know some people's lives have been completely devastated from the pandemic
I'm one. Haven't worked in 13 months, lost my home. Unemployment was denied because my company lied about my firing, insisting it wasnt covid related. When i appealed, no one there would respond, like they evacuated due to covid. They sure were quick with the denial lie tho. Moving on....
Had to give my dogs away when my gf said i could move into her apartment with her, she lets me stay free (thanks babe). My kids hate me because they have to now work to get through college (boo hoo). My truck engine grenaded last year. Had a fistfight with my father in law cuz hes a rightwing shithead and sucker punched me in the face as i was standing up during a Trump....er....conversation. I kicked his ass and now my mom is unhappy. And my neice, who I babysat for years, was persuaded by my ex wife to give her dirt on me for our divorce.

I could probably think of more if i wasn't so tired...
I'm one. Haven't worked in 13 months, lost my home. Unemployment was denied because my company lied about my firing, insisting it wasnt covid related. When i appealed, no one there would respond, like they evacuated due to covid. They sure were quick with the denial lie tho. Moving on....
Had to give my dogs away when my gf said i could move into her apartment with her, she lets me stay free (thanks babe). My kids hate me because they have to now work to get through college (boo hoo). My truck engine grenaded last year. Had a fistfight with my father in law cuz hes a rightwing shithead and sucker punched me in the face as i was standing up during a Trump....er....conversation. I kicked his ass and now my mom is unhappy. And my neice, who I babysat for years, was persuaded by my ex wife to give her dirt on me for our divorce.

I could probably think of more if i wasn't so tired...
Wow, sorry to hear and yes thousands have been impacted by this tragedy. I know a few who’s lives have been massively impacted by this crap. I’m not sure if I’ll live long enough to ever see a full recovery from this. I’ve been waiting for a year and a half for a heart operation that is only kept in check by medication that is meant only to be taken for a short period of time and I feel I’m one of the lucky ones :(.
I'm one. Haven't worked in 13 months, lost my home. Unemployment was denied because my company lied about my firing, insisting it wasnt covid related. When i appealed, no one there would respond, like they evacuated due to covid. They sure were quick with the denial lie tho. Moving on....
Had to give my dogs away when my gf said i could move into her apartment with her, she lets me stay free (thanks babe). My kids hate me because they have to now work to get through college (boo hoo). My truck engine grenaded last year. Had a fistfight with my father in law cuz hes a rightwing shithead and sucker punched me in the face as i was standing up during a Trump....er....conversation. I kicked his ass and now my mom is unhappy. And my neice, who I babysat for years, was persuaded by my ex wife to give her dirt on me for our divorce.

I could probably think of more if i wasn't so tired...
That's the part about "at will" employment that's ridiculous. It's completely abused. They fire you and then say, "well, he was always late" or something even when you weren't.

And of course it's not up to them to document anything, it's up to you to prove you didn't. Which is pretty much impossible.

"At will" employment in reality is "you have absolutely no workers rights whatsoever".
That's the part about "at will" employment that's ridiculous. It's completely abused. They fire you and then say, "well, he was always late" or something even when you weren't.

And of course it's not up to them to document anything, it's up to you to prove you didn't. Which is pretty much impossible.

"At will" employment in reality is "you have absolutely no workers rights whatsoever".
Here if it’s not documented and all corespondents signed (3 warnings) then it’s deemed “terminated without cause”. At that point there would have to be a severance payment based on time worked. For me it would be 2 years salary. Work place violence/harassment is the only exception.
Wow, sorry to hear and yes thousands have been impacted by this tragedy. I know a few who’s lives have been massively impacted by this crap. I’m not sure if I’ll live long enough to ever see a full recovery from this. I’ve been waiting for a year and a half for a heart operation that is only kept in check by medication that is meant only to be taken for a short period of time and I feel I’m one of the lucky ones :(.
Stay safe and good luck.
That's the part about "at will" employment that's ridiculous. It's completely abused. They fire you and then say, "well, he was always late" or something even when you weren't.

And of course it's not up to them to document anything, it's up to you to prove you didn't. Which is pretty much impossible.

"At will" employment in reality is "you have absolutely no workers rights whatsoever".

As usual, you're wrong. What you're really saying is people have a right to keep others in a forcible relationship, which is wrong. Both parties are obligated to fulfill their agreements, no party is obligated to fulfill an agreement they didn't make.

If you want to leave an employer, the employer has zero right to make you stay. If an employer wants to severe their relationship with you, they should be able to.

You sound like the kind of guy that would stalk an ex girlfriend and tell her , "this relationship is over when I say it is" . Let her go and stop following her, creeper!