Who was the best president the US has ever elected and why?

I'll start, unless someone replies faster than I can write this.

I think Barack Hussein Obama was the best president in US history. He took office during one of the worst recessions ever and by the end of his presidency the entire world was on track toward better times. He wasn't a perfect president, but neither were any of the others. He was honest and respectable while breaking our preconceptions of how a black man such a name could restore American exceptionalism. He was everything you should hate if you want the United States to fail. He took the principal of "States' Rights" which had been conceived to preserve racial inequity in the name of liberty and he actually applied it to real liberty. He did so despite the adversarial nature of the relationship between the federal government and the governments of red states. It was the GOP who created this dynamic while also hobbling his momentum with congressional opposition to his skin color. Nonetheless he worked to repair those relationships and fostered unity in our nation. In fact it was the previous president who did more than any other to erode states' rights.

As a Californian proud of my state's position leading the nation in most ways, I see the current disunity which has been created by the GOP as a direct response to all of the efforts of the 44th president. Essentially, by trying so hard to undo his efforts, they have done more damage to the country than any foreign power ever could.

The first post civil rights era President that tried to fix a lot of the same issues we are dealing with today. Oddly enough his first 2 years he had to overcome the recession that was dumped into his term like Obama had.

But he started the Department of Education, expanded head start, Department of Energy (big champion of responsible energy policies that we are still trying to get done), worked to create peace with Egypt and Isreal. Deregulated the beer industry, proposed universal health insurance coverage, started the superfund policy needed to clean up toxic waste dumped in our country.

Shame that he was one of the first real President that was dealing with the real issues we still need fixed to get hammered with the Southern Strategy and the progress that he made reversed by Reagan and the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda.

The first post civil rights era President that tried to fix a lot of the same issues we are dealing with today. Oddly enough his first 2 years he had to overcome the recession that was dumped into his term like Obama had.

But he started the Department of Education, expanded head start, Department of Energy (big champion of responsible energy policies that we are still trying to get done), worked to create peace with Egypt and Isreal. Deregulated the beer industry, proposed universal health insurance coverage, started the superfund policy needed to clean up toxic waste dumped in our country.

Shame that he was one of the first real President that was dealing with the real issues we still need fixed to get hammered with the Southern Strategy and the progress that he made reversed by Reagan and the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda.
Good choice and a great man. He was too far ahead of his time apparently.
Thanks Canna Sylvan for increasing my reaction count with your sock puppet. I get that you're just following me around because you're desperate for my attention, but thank you nonetheless.

No problem, Carnal.

Just to be a good sport, I'll play.

Jimmy Carter.

He promised to expose the lie about our alien overlords. But he was stopped by an ET bunny as a warning. The news all thought it was a joke. I believe him.

I'll answer it for you then.

You like FDR because he was a racist who opposed his own wife's anti-lynching campaign. He interned Japanese Americans, also because he was a fucking racist. He refused to meet the legendary track runner Jesse Owens as well, also because he was a fucking racist. As if all this wasn't enough to cement his ardent fucking racism, he appointed Hugo Black to the Supreme Court. Oh but it does continue, his record on helping Jews during the holocaust is one of the worst.

He had some decent accomplishments but he was a piece of shit racist and that is clearly why you think he was the best president in history.
I'll answer it for you then.

You like FDR because he was a racist who opposed his own wife's anti-lynching campaign. He interned Japanese Americans, also because he was a fucking racist. He refused to meet the legendary track runner Jesse Owens as well, also because he was a fucking racist. As if all this wasn't enough to cement his ardent fucking racism, he appointed Hugo Black to the Supreme Court. Oh but it does continue, his record on helping Jews during the holocaust is one of the worst.

He had some decent accomplishments but he was a piece of shit racist and that is clearly why you think he was the best president in history.

FDR wasn't the greatest, but he got rid of child slave labor, tried but failed to get us out of the Great Depression with his New Deal programs, and implemented the Social Security system you leech off of. You should be saying "Thank you FDR!"

The New Deal programs were actually a great idea, but he just half assed them. Just like the original Obamacare was a great idea. How they were implimented, though, was a huge disaster. But that doesn't mean they can't be and shouldn't be fixed, and I hope one day they are.
Editor Lerone Bennett Jr of Ebony Magazine wrote a thoroughly researched historiography book on our nation's 16th president. In it, he brings to light the extremely racist and bigoted views of Abraham Lincoln and shows that while he morally opposed slavery, he was often quite hateful toward black people. It is a known historical fact that he supported efforts to send African Americans to Africa. I found it to be an interesting read.

Editor Lerone Bennett Jr of Ebony Magazine wrote a thoroughly researched historiography book on our nation's 16th president. In it, he brings to light the extremely racist and bigoted views of Abraham Lincoln and shows that while he morally opposed slavery, he was often quite hateful toward black people. It is a known historical fact that he supported efforts to send African Americans to Africa. I found it to be an interesting read.

Wow. That's the first thing I agree with you on. But Lincoln wasn't morally opposed to slavery. He only thought having slavery was beneath his superior status, and having a slave showed weakness. Other than that, what you say is true. Except for he only briefly entertained sending them back to Africa, but realized that would be a disaster, and logistically difficult. So he wanted to send them off to South American countries instead.

Lincoln thought of black people in the same way I'm an animal rights activist. I don't view animals the same as humans, but I also don't consider them equal to us either. I don't want to see them harmed, and think how we treat them as slaves is wrong.
I'm not sure what this ignored uninteresting racist person is saying to me. I put him on ignore because he is so uninteresting and yet follows me desperately, clicking reply on most of my posts though none are directed his way. I would however like to thank him for using his sock puppet account to increase my reaction count.

Can someone let me know if he says something interesting?
Wow. That's the first thing I agree with you on. But Lincoln wasn't morally opposed to slavery. He only thought having slavery was beneath his superior status, and having a slave showed weakness. Other than that, what you say is true. Except for he only briefly entertained sending them back to Africa, but realized that would be a disaster, and logistically difficult. So he wanted to send them off to South American countries instead.

Lincoln thought of black people in the same way I'm an animal rights activist. I don't view animals the same as humans, but I also don't consider them equal to us either. I don't want to see them harmed, and think how we treat them as slaves is wrong.

@abandonconflict I am not sure I would call this interesting.
I'm not sure what this ignored uninteresting racist person is saying to me. I put him on ignore because he is so uninteresting and yet follows me desperately, clicking reply on most of my posts though none are directed his way. I would however like to thank him for using his sock puppet account to increase my reaction count.

Can someone let me know if he says something interesting?

That's really hilarious you got the gall to call me a racist when you're the only one who openly makes hurtful and cruel slurs against whites. I've never said anything hurtful against anyone just because of their race, and wish the world can one day realize there's only one race, the human race. You don't. You think you're superior to whites. That makes you a racial supremacist, not me.
I'll answer it for you then.

You like FDR because he was a racist who opposed his own wife's anti-lynching campaign. He interned Japanese Americans, also because he was a fucking racist. He refused to meet the legendary track runner Jesse Owens as well, also because he was a fucking racist. As if all this wasn't enough to cement his ardent fucking racism, he appointed Hugo Black to the Supreme Court. Oh but it does continue, his record on helping Jews during the holocaust is one of the worst.

He had some decent accomplishments but he was a piece of shit racist and that is clearly why you think he was the best president in history.

He stole gold too.
William Henry Harrison was close to being the best President ever, he had the good sense to do nothing and die in office weeks after his election, but I think JFK was the best. He wanted to end the Federal Reserve and probably banged way more hot chicks than Clinton ever did in the oval office.

Jimmy Carter is / was a good man, and wanted to decriminalize weed in the 1970s. Plus his brother liked to drink beer, so he's a decent pick too.