Whole branches drying out


Active Member
I've got no idea what's wrong with my plant. It's quite big and HAD heaps of branches, but in the last few days, i've cut about 1/5 of the branches off, due to the leaves drying out. I mean branches and branches of them!
I have no idea what strain it is, i just chucked a seed in a pot plants soil and it grew. It looked a bit retarded when it was a little.
Anyway i was thinking maybe it had too many branches that were uneccessary.
I've put nothing on it and give it a good water every week (probably not enough).

Any way today i found some more leaves that have dried out and decided to take photos.
I've cut branches at the back of the plant, it seems to be drying out on that side.


the widowman

Well-Known Member
yea id say it looks like lack of water. give it a good water at dusk everyday. a gallon or so and throw some organic tomato feed in the water to help the budds along.


Active Member
o.k 4 hours later ( i took that photo 4 hours ago), it's friggin dead! All the leaves have wilted, it looks like its crap! So pissed, friggin dying now on me! Better find out how to make oils and cookies!