Whoops. I forgot a starch


Well-Known Member
Re-amended some dank soil. Lightly. 2 cups nuteints( kelp, neam, alfalfa, crab and osyter) total. And .5 cups minerals. Rock phosphate and gypsum.

Not getting "hot" like when first amended. I totally forgot brown rice which is a staple for my soil. Is this a problem without a starch. Or could I just water in some molasses?? Ideas? Thoughts. Thanks all
Re-amended some dank soil. Lightly. 2 cups nuteints( kelp, neam, alfalfa, crab and osyter) total. And .5 cups minerals. Rock phosphate and gypsum.

Not getting "hot" like when first amended. I totally forgot brown rice which is a staple for my soil. Is this a problem without a starch. Or could I just water in some molasses?? Ideas? Thoughts. Thanks all
only is going to get hot with a higher nitrogen input, alfalfa, neem and crab really aren't enough, if that's your goal..
But if you are re-amending, I wouldn't go that far anyways man
Is that per cubic foot?
I'd just leave it be, wouldn't add anything personally, except maybe fish bone meal
only is going to get hot with a higher nitrogen input, alfalfa, neem and crab really aren't enough, if that's your goal..
But if you are re-amending, I wouldn't go that far anyways man
Is that per cubic foot?
I'd just leave it be, wouldn't add anything personally, except maybe fish bone meal
Yes per cf.
Yes per cf.
i think you're good man.
Don't worry about trying to get it hot, on re-amending it's really hard to get it there, and if you did it'd extend the time needed for aging it anyways.
fish bone meal, alfalfa, neem, shrimp/crab and kelp meals.
a third a cup a piece.. half cup of oyster meal too.
depending on how much minerals were in it originally you may want to re-amend there too, some growers don't re-amend minerals, i don't personally, but keep in mind my compost is built with pretty much every nutrient that i have in my soil, minerals included.
i'd add some either greensand, or langbeinite too, just for the future though, doesn't do much for a yr or so.