Who's fucking dry right now?


Well-Known Member
I just moved into my new place, the first thing I did was scope out a grow spot though, haha. Well even if I can get some seeds going today, which I can't, it'll at least be about 9 weeks before I can use my favorite bong again. I went to some parties around and shit, feeling out for the smokers and shit. I didn't find any, which really sucked. Everyone was too busy getting hammered when I just wanted some fucking weed, like its a difficult thing or something, it shouldn't be in a college town. I can't wait until I can grow enough weed when I will never have to be dry ever again. To those of you tokin up, appreciate that shit man... I'm a little stressed, I'll be getting a paycheck in about a week so I should have enough for an 1/8th if I can find a new connect. Too much bullshit guys, fucking with dealers and shit. Haha, I just needed a place to vent. I know you guys can appreciate how it feels to be going on your 4th week without weed :-(


Well-Known Member
Lol no i cant. I always have weed around me. All my family smokes of course so if im dry i just head over to my uncles...or my dads...haha


Well-Known Member
Yeah man sucks to have no weed.
I am smoking crappy bits and pieces right now,i have plenty of it but its still not anywhere near as good as i like it.
8 more weeks left for me till i have some new super good stuff.
One day i dream of having a bigger cupboard:mrgreen:


Active Member
ditto, it definately sucks!

i'm not dry, but the quality of the stuff i'm smoking right now leaves a lot to be desired (stuff i grew outdoors last summer without the wisdom of more experienced growers).

...i just started an indoor, but my babies are only an inch tall, so i've to tough it out.



Well-Known Member
yea! I just moved to a knew place too,nobody seems to smoke around here.I found a couple of bbuddies that smoke, but can only get regs.bla! but as soon as I moved inn I started my shit,so Im stoked know.get growing so you dont have to deal with the bullshit.