I read an article in the Washington Post about how bad it was in England and Europe with England set to break an all time high temp record. They are forecasting 104 in the next day or two and said they're having to lay sand down on some roads to prevent the tar from melting. Then I thought about Oklahoma and how they're hitting 110 and it's been weeks above 100. I guess it comes down to the engineering and how old a lot of the structures are over there. Talking about deaths in the thousands potentially across Spain and France because of the lack of AC. So as bad as it is over here, at least we're used to it for the most part. I spent a couple trips out to the Mojave desert at Ft. Irwin, CA and 119 is the hottest I've ever seen. Even the coyotes were looking for AC, coming into the damn tents during the day to try and cool off.