Why are my leafs yellow?


Active Member
I have 1 week old plants under a 400w hps, ive been follwing all instructions carefully that i have been givin but why are my leafs yellow? and they are looking a bit droopy.What am i doing wrong?


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna venture a guess that you're actually paying too much attention to them. Let the soil dry out (if you're growing in soil) and cut back on the feedings.


Well-Known Member
If you have them in any sort of PVC tent (hydrohut, habitat, etc)...they will likely turn yellow, then whitish, then burn up like nute burn---it's awful.....also fluctuations in temperatures outside optimal ranges (70~85 day/60~75 night) can cause yellowing....also heat stress from the lights...sulfur deficiency....boron deficiency......check this link and scroll through until you see your problem.......it's saved my ass..............International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - The Complete guide to Sick Plants,pH, and Pest troubles!