Why are my plants dieing?


Active Member
Hello I'm. Doing flood and drain and I have all healthy plants in week 4 and just the past 2 weeks 1 wilted and died then about 6 days ago another one did the exact same thing, now today another one has done it and a 4th is showing signs of doing it, the pistils go from white to brown when it happens. All were super healthy, the plants around them are fine. The water is being.chilled to 19 degrees celcius, air temp is a bit warm it's hot here, 30 degrees celcius but there's a fan moving lots of air and sucking lots out too, ambient temps are hot, they get flooded once an hour for 15 minutes, the ec is between 1.8 and 2.0 ph is between5.8 and 6.3 it drifts everyday, the grow medium is clay pebbles, the water isn't slimey or anything. I have missed a few lights off watering but there is always a it of feed left in the bottom of the flood trays. Man I really don't want them all the go down one at a time I don't know why this is happening.


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Damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn wtf mate im a new grower but with the info given it sounds like your doing everything right and things are dying im so sorry man
personally i would flood less frequently, 15 mins every 2-5 hours is the recommended. I only run it once every 4 hours in the night cycle to keep the roots damp.

Have you pulled the roots on one of them to take a look?
Hello I'm. Doing flood and drain and I have all healthy plants in week 4 and just the past 2 weeks 1 wilted and died then about 6 days ago another one did the exact same thing, now today another one has done it and a 4th is showing signs of doing it, the pistils go from white to brown when it happens. All were super healthy, the plants around them are fine. The water is being.chilled to 19 degrees celcius, air temp is a bit warm it's hot here, 30 degrees celcius but there's a fan moving lots of air and sucking lots out too, ambient temps are hot, they get flooded once an hour for 15 minutes, the ec is between 1.8 and 2.0 ph is between5.8 and 6.3 it drifts everyday, the grow medium is clay pebbles, the water isn't slimey or anything. I have missed a few lights off watering but there is always a it of feed left in the bottom of the flood trays. Man I really don't want them all the go down one at a time I don't know why this is happening.
I agree that the watering method sounds funky. The plants don't seem like they were doing too bad until recently, and I'm going to assume your method hasn't changed, and that your environment has stayed somewhat consistent similar to what you're saying. So that being the case there's really only so many options.
If your temps are too hots that can stress them out, and if not addressed could cause leaves and plant structure to die. You didn't specify what your temps are other than hit at being hot.
I'd check the roots, especially if you've got one dying/dead and see what's going on there. Fungus/micro organisms/viruses can all cause random die off when the plants been fine up to. Fungus can hit your roots and travel upwards into the plant structure. Having the plants dry up and wither even though you're watering is a hallmark of such a disease.
Have you checked for pests? Pests can munch plants to death and spread disease that can kill the plants so that may be worth considering.
Or perhaps you may be able to provide further information leading up to now and lay out your methods exactly and maybe that could help us figure it out with you. Either way looks pretty grim.
I havent ran flood trays in a few years but 15 minutes every hour is a lot imo. I used to run 2 15 minute waterings a day myself. Are you watering at night as well? Whats your humidity like?
One watering at lights off, 15 minutes. Humidity when tent is closed is a bit high 65/ 70 rh but lots of air movement. It's my first flood and drain the tops of the flood tables aren't sealed just covered to keep light ou and the reservoir is in there too, also covered but not sealed, I was thinking that's probably making the humidity high but would that cause this? Like they go from loving the environment to wilting and dieing. I don't get it. U think its too much watering?
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I agree that the watering method sounds funky. The plants don't seem like they were doing too bad until recently, and I'm going to assume your method hasn't changed, and that your environment has stayed somewhat consistent similar to what you're saying. So that being the case there's really only so many options.
If your temps are too hots that can stress them out, and if not addressed could cause leaves and plant structure to die. You didn't specify what your temps are other than hit at being hot.
I'd check the roots, especially if you've got one dying/dead and see what's going on there. Fungus/micro organisms/viruses can all cause random die off when the plants been fine up to. Fungus can hit your roots and travel upwards into the plant structure. Having the plants dry up and wither even though you're watering is a hallmark of such a disease.
Have you checked for pests? Pests can munch plants to death and spread disease that can kill the plants so that may be worth considering.
Or perhaps you may be able to provide further information leading up to now and lay out your methods exactly and maybe that could help us figure it out with you. Either way looks pretty grim.
Temps are about 30/31 celcius but lots of air movement.

The roots on the dead plants looked OK to me, what type of fungus do you mean? I will look in the flood trays later when it's lights on.

You think I'm Watering them too Much?
personally i would flood less frequently, 15 mins every 2-5 hours is the recommended. I only run it once every 4 hours in the night cycle to keep the roots damp.

Have you pulled the roots on one of them to take a look?
Yes I looked at the roots they looked OK to me I'll look later, what specifically am i looking for? They aren't slimey or black or falling apart, well not when i checked the one that died. .
Temps are about 30/31 celcius but lots of air movement.

The roots on the dead plants looked OK to me, what type of fungus do you mean? I will look in the flood trays later when it's lights on.

You think I'm Watering them too Much?
From what it sounds like I'd say so but maybe someone currently running a similar setup to you could chime in here.
You could do some research on "damping off" and see what I mean by fungus. It is perpetuated by over watering so could be the case. I'm also interested in what you mean by the roots looked "ok".
Your temps do sound pretty high as well, that could be problematic.
What about the fact the pistils turn brown? Could that be some sort of indicator of something or would they just go that way because they're dieing?
Yes I looked at the roots they looked OK to me I'll look later, what specifically am i looking for? They aren't slimey or black or falling apart, well not when i checked the one that died. .
Are they whitish in color and look branched out almost like little hairs on them that or flexible/supple or do they look brown and or stiff with minimal branching and growth?
What about the fact the pistils turn brown? Could that be some sort of indicator of something or would they just go that way because they're dieing?

I would assume the plant knows its dying and trying to last ditch finish up. How long does it take for the table to drain after 15 minutes of flood time and how long to fill? I'm guessing they were drowned by lack of oxygen exchange in the roots. how high does the table flood on them as well? any dry area of the hydroton?
From what it sounds like I'd say so but maybe someone currently running a similar setup to you could chime in here.
You could do some research on "damping off" and see what I mean by fungus. It is perpetuated by over watering so could be the case. I'm also interested in what you mean by the roots looked "ok".
Your temps do sound pretty high as well, that could be problematic.
Damping off in full grown plants? I thought that was only for seedlings. I'll check that.

Nothing I can do about the heat atm, I've had high temps before though it never did this.
I would assume the plant knows its dying and trying to last ditch finish up. How long does it take for the table to drain after 15 minutes of flood time and how long to fill? I'm guessing they were drowned by lack of oxygen exchange in the roots.
It take about 12 minutes to drain hmm you think they not getting enough air, hmm, this is my first flood and drain, yes maybe hey, that might be too much but they look really healthy for 4 weeks with the same schedule so why suddenly start Nothing liking it? Like they were all doing great.
as they get larger and the root mass gets larger they start getting choked out sitting more and more in the solution?

15 min fill + 12 min drains means you are really flooding them 30 min on 30 min off =/ , I would try turning that down and watching them.
Damping off in full grown plants? I thought that was only for seedlings. I'll check that.

Nothing I can do about the heat atm, I've had high temps before though it never did this.
Damping off isn't a seedling thing or a cannabis thing even, it's a plant thing. It's a disease caused by fungal infection killing plants. You're sort of correct that older more vigorous plants can be more resistant to it but it's not just for suspectable seedlings.