Why are my plants drooping?

My plants look great most of the time but in the evening they start drooping. I can tell they're growing but not very fast. They look nice and green. Temps are 78 lights on and 72 lights off. 600w MH digilux bulb. Sealed room approx 1,200 cubic feet. Advanced Iguana juice Grow every other water. Not over watered or under watered. Could they be running out of fresh air? Any help or ideas would be appreciated.


Could be airflow or lack of co2 but often plants will droop during the dark cycle and perk back up when the lights come back on. Pics would hep with diagnosing the problem but if the plants are healthy otherwise and you know you have not overwatered or underwatered they should be fine.


Well-Known Member
might be too close to your lights...thats how i know to raise the lights on mine...the same as when they are too far away the leaves will point upward...if the lights are too close they droop downward..thats the only time i get any droop is when the lights start getting too close...long as you know its not a water,heat,or co2...that might be the cause
Thanks Akay. I have a cheap oscillating fan that moves them just a little. Low humidity 25%. Half the time they look great, then they start drooping. Pro-mix soil. RO water. I've been searching older posts for info, but have'nt seen my situation yet.
give it a good flush with 3x the container size worth of good Neutral ph water, that usually can cure most problems in soi, minus bugs and stupidity.
Temp at canopy is around 80. Not sure about co2. Do I need to add co2 to a sealed room in veg? They look nice and green. Just droopy half the time. Most of the time, they're standing proud.


Active Member
The plants can't handle more than X hours, then droop? Sounds like too much light (or more correct, too little of something else).


Well-Known Member
It's perfectly normal for them to droop close to lights-off time, but be sure to keep your distance from the light.
I think I figured it out. The humidity is way too low. Right around 20%. I think that's so low that the meters don't even read correctly! I've added a humidifier. The air moisture is on the rise and the plants are looking happy. I'll keep you guys posted. I'll even try to add some pics. Thanks for all the help!!!
Pedal car 052.jpgPedal car 049.jpgPedal car 048.jpgUpdate: My plants look Pedal car 050.jpghappy until 5hrs before lights out. That's when they start drooping. One plant is doing very well but the others still droop. In the morning Pedal car 051.jpgthey look great. In the evening they droop. I have pics during the day when they look ok. I'll try and get some pics tonight when they droop.Pedal car 053.jpg


New Member
they are just "going down for the night" so to say if its as consistent as u say...or possible it could be that the plants are using up all the water in the pots and are "thirsty".....do you water every day?


New Member
I water when the pot feels light. I water them pretty good then it's usually 2 days till I water again!
yeah same here i water about every 2-3 days so it may be heat in your grow space the more heat they use up water faster

and that is a simple fix just add more fans aswell i read that you have them in a sealed room....so no fresh air just circulating the same air?
Yes, I have no fresh air source. Outside the room is only 35%. I'm hoping that when I put them in the flower room I'll be adding co2. Hopefully to both rooms. Temps inside room are 78 on and 70 off.


New Member
if i were you id get some fresh air intake other than that it seems ok and like i said earlier they might be "down for the night" so to speak.