why are my plants dying?


Active Member
i read a few articles and started pokin around this site and decided it would be fun to try and grow some herb in my room. i've never grown anything in my life, so i'm kinda lost.

my setup looks like this: bedroom closet that i padlocked (roughly 4 x 2.5 sq. ft.), 2 worklights i bought and hung from hooks on the ceiling that acts like a pully with compact flourescent lightbulbs at (i think) roughly 2000 lumens each. i covered the carpet with brown paper. i live in central florida, and we rarely use a/c.

the first time i used a 12 x 18 inch pan that was 3 inches deep and planted 3 plants, one germinated, 2 not. i used soil from my backyard, and tomato fertilizer spikes. i water when the soil dries, roughly every other day. the only one that sprouted was one of the non germinated ones. it grew about an inch tall and died.

the next time i planted 6 (non germinated) in the same pan in miracle grown moisture control potting soil and 2 sprouted, grew about 2 inches, after which i put them in plasic cups and they both died.

as you can see, i'm kind of on a budget. what am i doing wrong and how can i fix it without spending too much money?

thanks in advance.


Have you read this? https://www.rollitup.org/newbie-central/937-how-grow-marijuana.html

There are too many problems you could be having to list.
Backyard soil is a no no, miracle grow isnt great either, you could have invited pests, your ph could be off, what are your temps? are you watering with tap water? you should use the towel germination method.... the list goes on, i would refine your operation a bit.


Active Member
the first time i used a 12 x 18 inch pan that was 3 inches deep and planted 3 plants, one germinated, 2 not. i used soil from my backyard, and tomato fertilizer spikes. i water when the soil dries, roughly every other day. the only one that sprouted was one of the non germinated ones. it grew about an inch tall and died.

the next time i planted 6 (non germinated) in the same pan in miracle grown moisture control potting soil and 2 sprouted, grew about 2 inches, after which i put them in plasic cups and they both died.
I'm pretty new too, but off-hand right away I'd say use different soil and use a different planter. Go to your local Menard's or whatever store you like, get some potting soil or some Miracle Gro potters mix (there's mixed reports about the latter, I'm having fairly good luck).

Instead of a shallow pan, try about a 10" or 15" diameter deeper planting pot, something with some height to it so the roots have room to dig in. Make sure it has drainage holes in the bottom. The pot and the soil should be very cheap.

Also, are your compact fluorescent lights "full spectrum?" If not, look into full-spectrum ones. They are specifically badged as full-spectrum, and offer a spectrum of light that is more like daylight than indoor light. They're a little pricey, but worth it in my opinion.

Best of luck! :joint:


New Member
Gabe sez ...

"as you can see, i'm kind of on a budget. what am i doing wrong and how can i fix it without spending too much money?"

No offense intended here, Gabe ... but in reading your original post, you are on WAY too much of a budget. Save your money, then get set up right. Good luck ...
